Stalker, Snow Job, and Quick Kick face a deteriorating situation in Borovia.
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| - Stalker, Snow Job, and Quick Kick face a deteriorating situation in Borovia.
- Transit occurs when one autonomous network agrees to carry the traffic that flows between another autonomous network and all other networks.
- Transit is the term for teleporting living and non-living matter together without the aid of any external device. Transiting can only move through space, not time, and is nearly instantaneous.
- "A Moscow metro station makes for close quarters and close-range combat. Trains pulling into and out of the station add to the danger as Ghosts and Bodark slug it out underground." Transit is a large map with open underground spaces that snipers will enjoy. It's fairly easy to camp and pick off targets, if you are prepared to wait long enough. For the fast movers though, you had better be on your toes, not just for sniper fire, but for fast moving trains that cost you a respawn if you don't look before you cross.
- Image:Gunz067.jpg|This area may contain a health pickup. Image:Gunz068.jpg|This area may contain either an armor or ammo pickup. In Deathmatch matches, there are also ammo pickups where the Team spawns would be.
- You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Transit/preload editintro=Transit/editintro width=25 The Transit Wiki is specifically geared toward general mass transportation - both public/municipal transit and long-range, focusing on fixed and semi-fixed route services. This is inclusive of - but not limited to - city/county/regional/interregional bus service (e.g., Greyhound), air travel, and rail travel. In the case of what this would constitute, I propose the following:
- If a planet crosses (transits) in front of its parent star's disk, then the observed visual brightness of the star drops a small amount. The amount the brightness of the star drops by is determined by the size of the star and the size of the planet that transits the star. If the distance and luminosity of the star is known, then the brightness can be calculated by the formula, Image:Transit equation.JPG The Kepler space based telescope is one such telescope that is looking at stars variable brightness and when brightness variations are detected, a planet is predicted to be orbiting the star.
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| - *The Blind Master listens to the Beastie-Boys. Jinx listens to Bach and Coltrane.
*The Blind Master also listens to Kill Me and the Thugs, but that is a fictional band as far we know.
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| - Billy: I couldn't see the point of learning a language spoken by people that hate our guts...
- Jinx: Don't take it personally. The French hate everybody.
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| - *The infamous Arashikage Clan family photo is shown to Billy by Jinx and the Blind Master. The significance of the photo will come up several times in the future.
*First mention of Professor Onihashi and his assistant.
*Outback's escape from Borovia is shown in Special Missions #6.
*In the United Kingdom the story was reprinted in Transformers #254, #255, #256 & #257.
| - Stalker, Snow Job, and Quick Kick face a deteriorating situation in Borovia.
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| - (Ghost Recon: Future Soldier)
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| - Quick Kick, Stalker and Snow Job are found guilty of crimes against Borovia and sentenced each to five consecutive life terms of hard labor. The other Joes are watchin all this on TV, and when Lift-Ticket brings Outback in the Tomahawk, Leatherneck lashes at him until Outback threatens him back. Grunt calls to the Pit to ask for a part in the rescue op, but Roadblock tells him that there won't be any.
Back at Borovia, in the train carrying the prisoners to the gulag, the other Prisoners try to loot the wounded Snow Job's shoes until Stalker kicks down their leader, Leonid, who the others decide to loot instead.
Meanwhile, in Denver, after a training session, Billy asks Jinx why does she have tha same tattoo as Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow. The Blind Master answers that they cannot tell him everything, but he can tell a bit by showing an old picture of the Arashikage Clan which includes the Blind Master, the mystic swordsmith Onihashi, Onihashi's blurred assistant, an eight-year old Jinx, Storm Shadow, the Hard Master, the Soft Master and Snake-Eyes. The picture confirms that Jinx is Storm Shadow's second cousin on his mother's side. Then the Blind Master gives Jinx the keys of his Ford so she can take Billy to San Francisco.
In the alley between the Blind Master's dojo and Fred VII's garage, Fred and Raptor return from having buried Cobra Commander, and while Fred leaves the shovel inside the garage, Raptor watches the Ford with Jinx and Billy leaving the dojo, so he pursues with no time to wait for Fred.
In Borovia, a guard brings food to the train prisoners: two stale loaves and a bucket of water. They try to fight for the food, but Stalker defeats them and makes the smallest prisoner divide the food equally among everyone, and that includes the wounded Joes and Leonid, who asks Stalker what does he gain from helping them all, to which Stalker answers "self-respect".
On the outskirts of Denver, Billy and Jinx see Raptor's BMW pursuing them, so they lose him. and Raptor, finding no sense trying to keep track of them on the road, sends his falcons to pursue from the sky.
In Utah, Roadblock explains to Leatherneck that Stalker ordered Outback to leave, but Leatherneck doesn't buy it, as Snake-Eyes was once ordered the same and relieved Stalker from command instead. They argue the difference between both cases until they find out that their argument is being heard all the way down on level three.
In Borovia, at the gulag depot, the prisoners are taken out of the train. Stalker tells Quick Kick to memorize everything for an eventual break-out. Leonid tells Stalker that the gulag will break him, but Stalker remains determined.
In San Francisco, Jinx and Billy reach the Defense Language Center, which Jinx assures is just a cover. They don't know that Raptor is watching them with binoculars, sure that Cobra will pay handsomely for that information.
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| - Stalker, Snow Job, and Quick Kick face a deteriorating situation in Borovia.
- Transit occurs when one autonomous network agrees to carry the traffic that flows between another autonomous network and all other networks.
- Transit is the term for teleporting living and non-living matter together without the aid of any external device. Transiting can only move through space, not time, and is nearly instantaneous.
- If a planet crosses (transits) in front of its parent star's disk, then the observed visual brightness of the star drops a small amount. The amount the brightness of the star drops by is determined by the size of the star and the size of the planet that transits the star. If the distance and luminosity of the star is known, then the brightness can be calculated by the formula, Image:Transit equation.JPG Where B is the Brightness, L is the Luminosity and d is the distance to the star. By observing a change in brightness of a star, it can be suggested that there is a transit taking place. The brightness change can be very small (~0.01% change in some cases), but is still detectable using CCD cameras. The Kepler space based telescope is one such telescope that is looking at stars variable brightness and when brightness variations are detected, a planet is predicted to be orbiting the star. There are 4 main stages in a transit First contact: the smaller body is entirely outside the larger body, moving inward... Second contact: the smaller body is entirely inside the larger body, moving further inward… Third contact: the smaller body is entirely inside the larger body, moving outward… Fourth contact: the smaller body is entirely outside the larger body, moving outward To detect an Earth-size planet, the photometer must be able to sense a drop in brightness of only 1/100 of a percent (That is a 0.01% drop). This is like sensing the drop in brightness of a car’s headlight when a gnat flies in front of it! The photometer must be space based to obtain this precision. Telescopes from earth can detect Jupiter sized or larger planets, but even these are very hard to detect due the earths atmosphere interfering with the light from the star. Kepler scientists will be able to tell the size of a planet by carefully measuring the drop in brightness of the star during the transit; bigger planets block more starlight and cause a bigger drop in brightness. Kepler is poised to find planets 30 to 600 times less massive than Jupiter. Combining results of transit spectrometry and Doppler data, the mass, orbit and therefore likely atmosphere can be predicted. 55 Cancri Double Transit:
* Planet Hunting Main Page
* Introduction to Planet Hunting Techniques
* Doppler Wobble
* Transit
* Direct Imaging
* Gravitational Microscopy
* Detecting Life On Other Planets
- You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Transit/preload editintro=Transit/editintro width=25 The Transit Wiki is specifically geared toward general mass transportation - both public/municipal transit and long-range, focusing on fixed and semi-fixed route services. This is inclusive of - but not limited to - city/county/regional/interregional bus service (e.g., Greyhound), air travel, and rail travel. In the case of what this would constitute, I propose the following:
* Municipal transit
* Complete route information, including history, service level, and routing, but falling short of actually providing the timetables
* Routing is more feasible to provide here because it practically requires an act of congress to change routing information.
* If you want the timetable, go to the agency's website. =)
* Interregional bus transit
* Airlines
* Airports served, major routing
* Similar to transit, above, this would fall short of outlining individual flight numbers; these are so prone to change that maintaining this would be impossible, and is similar to maintaining the agency timetables on a separate website.
* Rail service
* Routing, historical routing, station information A form of this exists here, in the form of the OCTA Wiki, covering Orange County Transit Authority in Orange County, California, US.
- "A Moscow metro station makes for close quarters and close-range combat. Trains pulling into and out of the station add to the danger as Ghosts and Bodark slug it out underground." Transit is a large map with open underground spaces that snipers will enjoy. It's fairly easy to camp and pick off targets, if you are prepared to wait long enough. For the fast movers though, you had better be on your toes, not just for sniper fire, but for fast moving trains that cost you a respawn if you don't look before you cross.
- Image:Gunz067.jpg|This area may contain a health pickup. Image:Gunz068.jpg|This area may contain either an armor or ammo pickup. In Deathmatch matches, there are also ammo pickups where the Team spawns would be.
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