Daniel Flynn is a popular franchise consisting of movies, television shows, and books centering around Daniel Flynn, an archaeologist in the 1930s. Flynn, portrayed by Mitt Romney, often battles with the Italians over ancient artifacts that could control the world. There are seven main movies, starting with Raiders of the Lost Ark.
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| - Daniel Flynn (Canadian Independence)
| - Daniel Flynn is a popular franchise consisting of movies, television shows, and books centering around Daniel Flynn, an archaeologist in the 1930s. Flynn, portrayed by Mitt Romney, often battles with the Italians over ancient artifacts that could control the world. There are seven main movies, starting with Raiders of the Lost Ark.
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| - Daniel Flynn is a popular franchise consisting of movies, television shows, and books centering around Daniel Flynn, an archaeologist in the 1930s. Flynn, portrayed by Mitt Romney, often battles with the Italians over ancient artifacts that could control the world. There are seven main movies, starting with Raiders of the Lost Ark.