| - The Battalasks are a species of alien that lives on the planet Battalask, well outside the Jurassic Quadrant. They look like gigantic bats with three legs, pterosaur-like wings, and extremely long fangs that reach to their toes. They may use echolocation like bats do and have extremely sensitive ears, making them vulnerable to loud noises. Sometimes they wear headsets to protect their hearing. They are skilled with machinery and, despite their odd appearances, can fly. While physically weak, the Battalasks are extremely aggressive, preferring to die in battle than surrender or retreat, and like to create other beings to do the fighting for them.
| - The Battalasks are a species of alien that lives on the planet Battalask, well outside the Jurassic Quadrant. They look like gigantic bats with three legs, pterosaur-like wings, and extremely long fangs that reach to their toes. They may use echolocation like bats do and have extremely sensitive ears, making them vulnerable to loud noises. Sometimes they wear headsets to protect their hearing. They are skilled with machinery and, despite their odd appearances, can fly. While physically weak, the Battalasks are extremely aggressive, preferring to die in battle than surrender or retreat, and like to create other beings to do the fighting for them. These creatures visited Earth and genetically enhanced a pack of kidnapped sabre-toothed cats, led by Fangal, making them intelligent and completely immortal. However, the enhanced sabre-tooths had no interest in serving the aliens and escaped with the help of Alson the dryptosaurus and the other Jurassic Explorers. The Battalasks were furious, pursuing both the Explorers and the sabre-tooths through space. Most of them eventually gave up and returned home, instead creating battle-robots. Major Terrorkon and a group of rogues continued the hunt, eventually making a deal with Speck, an apatosaurus astronomer, who let them stay in Outpost Q in exchange for the Battalasks leaving peacefully and adding their alien technology to his Megascope. Terrorkon tied up the other astronomers and members of the Sauropod crew, including Alass Tikka and Arx. He told Teggs and the others that he intended to take Fangal and her companions away and brainwash her into a mindless monster, using her to take over his home planet. After a short battle the vicious aliens fled to their ship to continue fighting. The astrosaurs, Sprite, Wettus the dryptosaurus, and a repentant Speck used the astronomers' Megascope to direct sound at the rogue Battalasks, destroying their ship completely.