| - The Black Band is one of the most well-known Pirate Organizations in the South. They play a dangerous game operating just outside of the territory of the Lintha Family, and far enough South of the Realm to avoid the notice of the Fire Fleet. It is believed that they operate out of a port somewhere between Paragon and Yane, though no one knows the exact location, and they are believed to have around 50 ships. The Black Band are extremely loyal and honorable, for pirates, and are well known for being a pleasant and charming bunch, a reputation that they maintain by being respectful towards their ports-of-call, while being much less violent and savage than the nearby Lintha. In fact, the Band is more than merely respectful, they're downright protective of anything they consider home - and for pirates, home is where you hang your tricorn. Any body who attempts to make trouble in a watering hole they frequent is liable to find himself the focus of some very unwanted attentions, such as fists, chairs, and sharp steel. The Black Band is led by Atterum, the so called Pirate King. He is a charming and popular man who is welcome in most places in the South. The Band seems to have some sort of understanding with the Lintha, and members of the band have been recently associating with crew from the Realm's Fire Fleet, suggesting some sort of understanding there as well.