| - Super Enhanced Kratom
- Sek is an Anubian Slavemaster Earthrise Named Mob in Earthrise and is Hostile to all players.
- thumb|Sek, Tuvok´s Sohn Sek ist der Erstgeborene der drei Söhnen von Tuvok und T'Pel. Zwischen 2371 und 2374 durchläuft er das Pon Farr, heiratet darauf und wird Vater einer Tochter, die nach Tuvoks Mutter T'Meni benannt wird. Tuvok, der mit der USS Voyager im Delta-Quadranten verschollen ist, erfährt davon erst verspätet. (VOY: ) Sek wurde von Ronald Robinson gespielt und von Klaus-Peter Hoppe synchronisiert.
- Sek was a male Vulcan in the 24th century. He was the firstborn son of Tuvok and T'Pel. He had two younger brothers and a younger sister named Asil. He was married and had a daughter, T'Meni. Sek had to endure the presumed loss of his father in 2371 when the USS Voyager was presumed destroyed. Between 2371 and 2374, Sek went through the pon farr, mated, and became a father himself. He named his child after his paternal grandmother, T'Meni. Later, in 2374, Sek learned that the Voyager was not lost, but, in fact, was in the Delta Quadrant, and that his father was still alive. His mother sent a letter to Tuvok to tell him about Sek and their family's changes. (VOY: "Message in a Bottle"; VOY: "Hunters")
- He was the eldest child of Tuvok and T'Pel. He was born in 2305. Between 2371 and 2374, Sek went through the pon farr, mated and became the father of a healthy female named T'Meni, whom was named after his foremother T'Meni. His mother sent a message of this to his father Tuvok, who was trapped in the Delta Quadrant aboard USS Voyager. (VOY episode: "Hunters")
- thumb|300px|Sek, syn Tuvoka. Sek był pierworodnym synem wolkańskiego małżeństwa Tuvoka i T'Pel. Pomiędzy rokiem 2371 a 2374, Sek przeszedł pon farr, ożenił się i został ojcem dziewczynki nazwanej T'Meni na cześć matki Tuvoka. T'Pel przesłała wiadomość o tym wydarzeniu do męża, który odbywał w tym czasie służbę na pokładzie zagubionego w Kwadrancie Delta statku USS Voyager (VOY:Hunters). Postać Seka w serialu odtwarzał aktor Ronald Robinson. de:Sek en:Sek
| - Sek was a male Vulcan in the 24th century. He was the firstborn son of Tuvok and T'Pel. He had two younger brothers and a younger sister named Asil. He was married and had a daughter, T'Meni. Sek had to endure the presumed loss of his father in 2371 when the USS Voyager was presumed destroyed. Between 2371 and 2374, Sek went through the pon farr, mated, and became a father himself. He named his child after his paternal grandmother, T'Meni. Later, in 2374, Sek learned that the Voyager was not lost, but, in fact, was in the Delta Quadrant, and that his father was still alive. His mother sent a letter to Tuvok to tell him about Sek and their family's changes. (VOY: "Message in a Bottle"; VOY: "Hunters") In 2377, Sek sent a message to his father over a datastream, via the MIDAS array, sent to the Voyager regarding his studies of music, having found exolinguistics too theoretical. Unknown to either of them, Bajoran radical Teero Anaydis hid a subliminal message set to Vulcan brainwaves in the message, so that when Tuvok watched the message, it activated a mind control program in his psyche that Teero had implanted years earlier. (VOY: "Repression") Sek was played by actor Ronald Robinson. Anthony Montgomery was also considered for the role. [1] His mirror universe counterpart (β) was mentioned but did not appear in the novella The Mirror-Scaled Serpent. He is said to have died of an infection during the 2360s, though a Cardassian physician tried hard to save him.
- He was the eldest child of Tuvok and T'Pel. He was born in 2305. Between 2371 and 2374, Sek went through the pon farr, mated and became the father of a healthy female named T'Meni, whom was named after his foremother T'Meni. His mother sent a message of this to his father Tuvok, who was trapped in the Delta Quadrant aboard USS Voyager. (VOY episode: "Hunters") In 2377, Sek sent a message to his father over a datastream sent to Voyager regarding his studies of music, having found exo-linguistics too theoretical. Unknown to either of them, Bajoran radical Teero Anaydis hid a subliminal message set to Vulcan brainwaves in the message, so that when Tuvok watched the message, it activated a mind control program in his psyche that Teero had implanted years earlier. (VOY episode: "Repression") In 2378, he was briefed that his father was suffering from a neurological imbalance that was only curable through a mind meld. After learning of the treatment known as Fal-tor-voh, he journeyed to meet his father who had returned onboard Voyager after its long journey in the Delta Quadrant. Sek was successful in mind melding with his father and curing him of the disease that afflicted him before its effects had become permanent. (VOY novel: Homecoming)
- thumb|Sek, Tuvok´s Sohn Sek ist der Erstgeborene der drei Söhnen von Tuvok und T'Pel. Zwischen 2371 und 2374 durchläuft er das Pon Farr, heiratet darauf und wird Vater einer Tochter, die nach Tuvoks Mutter T'Meni benannt wird. Tuvok, der mit der USS Voyager im Delta-Quadranten verschollen ist, erfährt davon erst verspätet. (VOY: ) 2377 schreibt er seinem Vater einen Brief, in dem er meint, dass die Exolinguistik ihm zu theoretisch vorkam und er stattdessen ein Studium in Musikkomposition begonnen hat. Dabei bedauert er, dass im Datenstrom nicht genügend Platz für sein Stück ist. Diese Nachricht wird jedoch von Teero Anaydis manipuliert, sodass Tuvok einer Gehirnwäsche unterzogen wird. (VOY: ) Sek wurde von Ronald Robinson gespielt und von Klaus-Peter Hoppe synchronisiert.
- Super Enhanced Kratom
- Sek is an Anubian Slavemaster Earthrise Named Mob in Earthrise and is Hostile to all players.
- thumb|300px|Sek, syn Tuvoka. Sek był pierworodnym synem wolkańskiego małżeństwa Tuvoka i T'Pel. Pomiędzy rokiem 2371 a 2374, Sek przeszedł pon farr, ożenił się i został ojcem dziewczynki nazwanej T'Meni na cześć matki Tuvoka. T'Pel przesłała wiadomość o tym wydarzeniu do męża, który odbywał w tym czasie służbę na pokładzie zagubionego w Kwadrancie Delta statku USS Voyager (VOY:Hunters). W roku 2377, Sek wysłał poprzez satelitę komunikacyjnego MIDAS list przeznaczony dla swojego ojca. Opisywał w nim, że zdecydował poświęcić się nauce tworzenia kompozycji muzycznych, gdyż exo-lingwistyka wydała mu się zbyt teoretyczna. Nie wiedział, że bajorański radykał Teero Anaydis umieścił w wiadomości ukryty przekaz dostosowany do wolkańskich fal mózgowych. Kiedy Tuvok odtwarzał wiadomość, uaktywnił tym samym program kontroli umysłu, który Teero zamieścił w psychice nieświadomego Tuvoka kilka lat wcześniej (VOY:Repression). Postać Seka w serialu odtwarzał aktor Ronald Robinson. de:Sek en:Sek