A very, very small helicopter is, in effect, a much larger helicopter that has gone through some sort of shrinking process. Broadly speaking, in order to be empirically described as 'very, very small' a helicopter would have to measure less than two inches from nose to tail. This may seem quite large for something being described as 'very, very small' but the extremely large size of so-called 'normal' helicopters must be taken into account.
Attributes | Values |
| - Very, very small helicopter
| - A very, very small helicopter is, in effect, a much larger helicopter that has gone through some sort of shrinking process. Broadly speaking, in order to be empirically described as 'very, very small' a helicopter would have to measure less than two inches from nose to tail. This may seem quite large for something being described as 'very, very small' but the extremely large size of so-called 'normal' helicopters must be taken into account.
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| - A very, very small helicopter is, in effect, a much larger helicopter that has gone through some sort of shrinking process. Broadly speaking, in order to be empirically described as 'very, very small' a helicopter would have to measure less than two inches from nose to tail. This may seem quite large for something being described as 'very, very small' but the extremely large size of so-called 'normal' helicopters must be taken into account.
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