| - Spinzaku, being the knight of zero, is one of the most dreadful opponents one can come across. Having mastered the element of suprise, Spinzaku makes for a terrific ninja. Considered to be one of the strongest, Spinzaku is able to take down everything from little girls crossing the road to giant skyscrapers in mere seconds, leaving only destruction in his wake from his mighty kicks. It might also be worthy of mention that his main motivation has always been to rescue his best friend from the darkness that inhabits his body, Ledouche VI Britannia. Money no Jutsu
| - Spinzaku, being the knight of zero, is one of the most dreadful opponents one can come across. Having mastered the element of suprise, Spinzaku makes for a terrific ninja. Considered to be one of the strongest, Spinzaku is able to take down everything from little girls crossing the road to giant skyscrapers in mere seconds, leaving only destruction in his wake from his mighty kicks. It might also be worthy of mention that his main motivation has always been to rescue his best friend from the darkness that inhabits his body, Ledouche VI Britannia. Spinzaku, being given the rank of Knight of Zero, has a very strong sense of jutice. Actively fighting against all that is unjust the rumours of his great deeds are vastly spread and recognized. Even though being a self-proclaimed ninja of all that is right, Spinzaku has a dark past that often leads him to take drastic measures in order to make justice. Spinzaku, being an icon of all that is great and fabulous, is also commonly used by companies for marketing their products. He was once asked to work as a certain condom brand model due to his impressive and perfectly formed girth, but he refused because the last time a girl was in its presence, she lost her head and started shooting her own kin, thus leading to a huge strike in which the workers cosplayed as a form of demonstration. Money no Jutsu Using his sexy body Spinzaku can tempt his enemies into wasting their war funds while making a reasonable profit from it. This technique however comes with a heavy strain on the user and should not be used lightly. Starting out as one of the eleven great ninjas of the far east, Spinzaku managed through shear effort to become a honorary citizen of the Hidden village of Britannia, where he today holds one of the highest seats of power.