| - Short version: because it's fun! Long version: because it's damn fun! The world of roleplay is full of cliches, characters that follow the guidelines. However, sometimes it's fun to break the stablished and play in completely different way. Even in a static world like WoW, you can play the way you want it. So, why spend all day long helping people in worthless quests when you can do whatever _You_ want? Gawain wrote: Allright, enough with the advertising. Now, to the main guidelines.
| - Short version: because it's fun! Long version: because it's damn fun! The world of roleplay is full of cliches, characters that follow the guidelines. However, sometimes it's fun to break the stablished and play in completely different way. Even in a static world like WoW, you can play the way you want it. So, why spend all day long helping people in worthless quests when you can do whatever _You_ want? Just have in mind that, when you are evil, there will not be many people around you. It's hard to find "evil friendship". For that reason, try to find someone to play with! You would not believe how many evildoers are out there, waiting their chance to be discovered! Gawain wrote: Role-playing evil and doing a good job of it is very difficult. Too many people set up evil guilds or create evil characters which in all honesty are nothing more than idiotic thugs without reason nor purpose - anyone can be a thug, only a true master can role-play being really evil. Evil is not being mean, nasty, rude or confrontational nor does it require you to steal, maim, kill, #**@, pillage or generally act like a jerk. Anyone doing those things all the time would quickly become ostracized by the community in which they live. Unfortunately, the majority of folk being "evil" are actually just being downright annoying and bordering on harassment in my own experience. Like it or not, Alliance and Horde are essentially good thinking beings (not too sure about the undead of course). Evil people should therefore be in the minority - carefully manipulating things behind the scenes to further their own desires. Allright, enough with the advertising. Now, to the main guidelines.