| - Admins, please only semi-protect this page. I don't want it completely locked. Are you a fan of this? Well, my page (this one, anyway) is your page. We'll have a little contest. In the bulleted list, add a link to your talk page and your favorite episode that you made. IT HAS TO BE YOURS! If you don't have any episodes, get to work! You can make pages here. I will judge the episodes, and once we reach 20 on the list, the contest is over. If we don't get 20 by Christmas, I will pick a a winner from the ones that are there. I will go to the winner's talk page and leave hints to NSFFB Season 3! So get working on a good story! Please leave a bullet labeled "Add episodes here!" when you add! Also, there's been a change. It's elimination now! I'll take the ones here already and pick a favorite.
| - Admins, please only semi-protect this page. I don't want it completely locked. Are you a fan of this? Well, my page (this one, anyway) is your page. We'll have a little contest. In the bulleted list, add a link to your talk page and your favorite episode that you made. IT HAS TO BE YOURS! If you don't have any episodes, get to work! You can make pages here. I will judge the episodes, and once we reach 20 on the list, the contest is over. If we don't get 20 by Christmas, I will pick a a winner from the ones that are there. I will go to the winner's talk page and leave hints to NSFFB Season 3! So get working on a good story! Please leave a bullet labeled "Add episodes here!" when you add! Also, there's been a change. It's elimination now! I'll take the ones here already and pick a favorite. When a new one comes in, I'll see if it's better than the previous favorite. If it is, it's the new best one! If not, bye-bye, newbie! ---
* --- Roads
* out Check-Mate Inator -Pineco7
* in How We Met Liz -Team Doofenshmirtz
* out Oh Kai Tak! - Fazleyfadzil
* out Christmas In Paris - HyperHearts58