| - Referee: Medicham is unable to battle. Gallade is the winner, and the victory goes to Jordan Slabinsky from Viridian City. Sugar: So, will you have to battle Slab? Caber: I may have to, Sugar. But with you and the others cheering me on, I'm sure I can beat him. Polly: You can do it, Caber! Sugar: Yeah! Girl: Go, Togekiss! Caber: (pulled out a Poké Ball) Go, Tyrantrum! Tyrantrum: (appears) Tyrantrum! Referee: Togekiss is unable to battle. Tyrantrum is the winner! Sugar: Yaaaaaay! Referee: Both Pokémon are unable to battle, and ends with a draw. Girl: Go, Mawile! Girl: Charizard, huh? Mawile, Mega Evolve!
| - Referee: Medicham is unable to battle. Gallade is the winner, and the victory goes to Jordan Slabinsky from Viridian City. Sugar: So, will you have to battle Slab? Caber: I may have to, Sugar. But with you and the others cheering me on, I'm sure I can beat him. Polly: You can do it, Caber! Sugar: Yeah! Girl: Go, Togekiss! Caber: (pulled out a Poké Ball) Go, Tyrantrum! Tyrantrum: (appears) Tyrantrum! Referee: Togekiss is unable to battle. Tyrantrum is the winner! Sugar: Yaaaaaay! Referee: Both Pokémon are unable to battle, and ends with a draw. Girl: Go, Mawile! Caber: (brings out another Poké Ball) Go, Charizard! Girl: Charizard, huh? Mawile, Mega Evolve! Caber: Two can play that game. Charizard, Mega Evolve! Referee: Mawile is unable to battle. Charizard wins, and the victory goes to Caber McToss of Blackthorn City. Announcer: And with this victory, Caber is in the Top 4, ladies and gentlemen! Sugar/Polly: Yaaay! Big Faye: How does it feel to be in the Top 4, Caber? Caber: Kind of exciting, actually. To be honest, I wasn't sure I would get so far. Sugar: But your team's awesome! Polly: Especially Charizard! Joel: Gotta go with the girls on this one. Amy: Me too. The way you handle your Pokémon is nothing short of amazing. Caber: (blushing) Thanks, you guys. Voice: Well, that's just perfect. Polly: What're you doing here, ya big meanie? Slab: I still don't see why pinkie there still follows you around, McToss. But frankly, I don't care. Caber: Leave Sugar out of this, Slab. I'm only in this competition to see if I truly am a good Pokémon trainer. Slab: (scoffs) You're not that great. And when I beat you tomorrow, even she will see it. Sugar: Look you, Caber and his Pokémon team are awesome! Slab: (scoffs) And just what have you done with your life since I left your little group, eh, shorty? Sugar: (sweetly) These! (brings out a party bomb) Slab: (grabs the party bomb and throws it away) Typical. Party bombs, cake, hats... You really are pathetic. Not even worth my time. Voice: How dare you speak to her that way! Slab: (turns to her) What did you say? Brynn: I said, "How dare you speak to her that way!" Slab: You got spunk. Maybe after I beat McToss there, you and I could go out sometime... Brynn: I'd rather kiss a Gengar than go out with a sexist punk like you! Joel: Dang! There's a girl that can take care of herself. Amy: I'll say. Brynn: (to Caber and the others) Everything okay, now? Sugar: I think so. Brynn: I'm guessing you're battling that bozo tomorrow, huh, Caber? Caber: Unfortuantely, yes. Brynn: Well don't worry. I've seen you battle. You can beat him. Am I right, guys? Sugar: Yeah! Polly: You bet! Big Faye: Well... I think he can. Joel: Totally! Amy: Definitely! Caber: Thanks, everybody. Brynn: Well I gotta go. Big day for both of us tomorrow. Caber: Right. Good luck. Brynn: Won't need it! (leaves) Caber: (thinks) They're right. I can do it! We'll show that sexist punk tomorrow. Caber: (to Sugar) Well, this is it. My battle with that sexist punk. Of course I know you'll be cheering for me, right, Sugar? Sugar: Of course I will! (kisses him on the cheek) For luck. (winks) Caber: Well, here I go. (heads out to the battlefield)