| - The homeworld of the Ghost Knights is Errantes Domum, otherwise known as the Hunters Hall or the Home-Asteroid. It is a 160 km spherical asteroid, the average surface thickness being around 5 km, that was hollowed out centuries ago by imperial and renegade mining before being captured by a fleet of pirates and used as their home base moving through the galaxy. The Ghost Knights, having only been formed and facing their first mission, were sent in to clear out the pirates and capture the asteroid, its fate to be reviewed at a later date.
| - The homeworld of the Ghost Knights is Errantes Domum, otherwise known as the Hunters Hall or the Home-Asteroid. It is a 160 km spherical asteroid, the average surface thickness being around 5 km, that was hollowed out centuries ago by imperial and renegade mining before being captured by a fleet of pirates and used as their home base moving through the galaxy. The Ghost Knights, having only been formed and facing their first mission, were sent in to clear out the pirates and capture the asteroid, its fate to be reviewed at a later date. After dealing with the pirates the Ghost Knights stationed themselves on the asteroid, awaiting the ultimate fate of the rock. The Chapter Master Rahmiel examined the asteroid and the pirates base and envisioned the asteroid as a powerful ship, traveling through the galaxy under the power of warp engines on a crusade against the enemies of the imperium. Rahmiel took this idea to the leaders of the local system who were the ones responsible for the rock's ultimate fate, and they agreed with the Chapter Masters idea, simply wanting it gone without having to expend their own resources. The Home-Asteroid has 318 floors arranged pole to pole around a central reactor at the core. The Asteroid is divided into 8 sectors: the poles, North and South divided by the equatorial boundary called Base Even. The hemispheres East and West, the sides, and the Asteroid Prow and Stern, the front, and rear. As the sectors intersect their position in relation to the core follows the code pole-hemisphere-direction. Example, North-West-Stern, South-East-Prow, etc. The Base Even, also known as the Equatorial Boundry, is the largest of the 318 floors and is actually made up of two floors, the Praetorium de Ignis et Ferrum (the armory), and the Praetorium de Classis (the docks). On this level and also taking up an additional 48 floors above and below is the engine room and engineering bay, where the massive warp engines are tended to and maintained. Also on the Base Even is the reactor core, which as well takes up an additional 18 floors above and below. The command center and the bridge for the great ship and the chapter as a whole is located at the north pole of the asteroid inside a large imperial bunker. There is a secondary command post located at the south pole, and a third just above the Base Even. The external surface of the asteroid is a barren rocky wasteland devoid of any life or the capability to support it. The pirates used this appearance to hide their base among the trillions of similar objects scattered through the universe, and the Ghost Knights have continued this practice. At a distance, none would notice the large and active docking bays on the sides of the asteroid, and by the time any come close to it would be too late. The surface is largely left barren and deserted, with no signs of the chapter of Space Marines living within. The Ghost Knights have however built several towns and cities of varying size on the surface, but have gone to great lengths to make them appear ancient, abandoned and in disrepair. even the large void engines are built up and disguised as ancient decrepit machines from an era long past. The Home-Asteroid is defended by thousands of gun batteries and armaments found typically on battle barges. These batteries are built on platforms that lower into the asteroid's surface, a thickened disguised plate sliding over the top hidden them from view. This allows the Ghost Knights to sneak up on planets or ships and attack without warning, or avoid detection till the enemy has lowered their guard. The Ghost Knights have also expanded their home by capturing seven smaller asteroids over the centuries and locking them in place with a ring of grav wells, ensuring that