Devro was a Human male who served in the Bajoran Militia in the 24th century. In 2376 he held the rank of corporal and in April was newly assigned to security on Deep Space 9. In that month he awoke Kira Nerys to inform her of a fatality on the station. Shortly after he was assigned to watch over the Jem'Hadar Kitana'klan, being held in one of DS9's cargo bays. Later, while still on guard at the cargo bay Devro was killed, along with sergeant Cryan, when the Jem'Hadar made a successful escape attempt. (DS9 novels: Avatar, Book One, Avatar, Book Two)
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| - thumb|Devro (2376) Devro ist ein Angehöriger einer Spezies aus dem Delta-Quadranten und im Jahr 2376 ein Crewmitglied des Hierarchie-Schiffes, das die USS Voyager untersucht. Als seinem Vorgesetzten Phlox klar wird, dass er keine realen Wahrnehmungen des Doktors gesehen hat, sondern dessen Tagträume, erzählt er dies seinem Kollegen Devro. Devro tröstet den völlig verzweifelten Phlox und verrät ihn nicht an den Aufseher. (VOY: ) Devro wurde von Robert Greenberg gespielt und von Frank Ciazynski synchronisiert.
- Devro was a Human male who served in the Bajoran Militia in the 24th century. In 2376 he held the rank of corporal and in April was newly assigned to security on Deep Space 9. In that month he awoke Kira Nerys to inform her of a fatality on the station. Shortly after he was assigned to watch over the Jem'Hadar Kitana'klan, being held in one of DS9's cargo bays. Later, while still on guard at the cargo bay Devro was killed, along with sergeant Cryan, when the Jem'Hadar made a successful escape attempt. (DS9 novels: Avatar, Book One, Avatar, Book Two)
- Devro was a citizen of the Hierarchy. He was second in command to Phlox during a reconnaissance mission to find ships that were easy targets for boarding to steal technology. Devro and Phlox mistakenly interfaced with The Doctor's matrix and believed what they were seeing was reality. In fact, what Devro was seeing was The Doctor's daydreams. When Phlox presented his findings to The Overlooker, Devro warned Phlox that he was too confrontation, and that the Overlooker might report him. Devro was played by actor Robert Greenberg.
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| - Devro was a citizen of the Hierarchy. He was second in command to Phlox during a reconnaissance mission to find ships that were easy targets for boarding to steal technology. Devro and Phlox mistakenly interfaced with The Doctor's matrix and believed what they were seeing was reality. In fact, what Devro was seeing was The Doctor's daydreams. When Phlox presented his findings to The Overlooker, Devro warned Phlox that he was too confrontation, and that the Overlooker might report him. When Phlox found out that his information was wrong and were actually daydreams of The Doctor, he confided this to Devro. (VOY: "Tinker Tenor Doctor Spy") Devro was played by actor Robert Greenberg.
- Devro was a Human male who served in the Bajoran Militia in the 24th century. In 2376 he held the rank of corporal and in April was newly assigned to security on Deep Space 9. In that month he awoke Kira Nerys to inform her of a fatality on the station. Shortly after he was assigned to watch over the Jem'Hadar Kitana'klan, being held in one of DS9's cargo bays. Later, while still on guard at the cargo bay Devro was killed, along with sergeant Cryan, when the Jem'Hadar made a successful escape attempt. (DS9 novels: Avatar, Book One, Avatar, Book Two) It is somewhat unusual for a Human to be serving in the Militia, he is actually described as "probably Human" when Vaughn assesses the scene, and see his body. However Vaughn notes him being in the Militia first, so would apparently be aware enough to see he wasn't Bajoran.
- thumb|Devro (2376) Devro ist ein Angehöriger einer Spezies aus dem Delta-Quadranten und im Jahr 2376 ein Crewmitglied des Hierarchie-Schiffes, das die USS Voyager untersucht. Als seinem Vorgesetzten Phlox klar wird, dass er keine realen Wahrnehmungen des Doktors gesehen hat, sondern dessen Tagträume, erzählt er dies seinem Kollegen Devro. Devro tröstet den völlig verzweifelten Phlox und verrät ihn nicht an den Aufseher. (VOY: ) Devro wurde von Robert Greenberg gespielt und von Frank Ciazynski synchronisiert.