Look out motorists -- he exults in the accidents he causes! Drives recklessly, screaming and laughing. Some comrades think it's an act, others know he's really as nuts as he appears. Fears quiet. Prone to tire blow-outs. In car mode goes up to 250 mph with amazing maneuverability. In robot mode, his scattershot gun sprays laser beams over wide areas. Combines with fellow to form Menasor.
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| - Look out motorists -- he exults in the accidents he causes! Drives recklessly, screaming and laughing. Some comrades think it's an act, others know he's really as nuts as he appears. Fears quiet. Prone to tire blow-outs. In car mode goes up to 250 mph with amazing maneuverability. In robot mode, his scattershot gun sprays laser beams over wide areas. Combines with fellow to form Menasor.
- Look out, motorists! The road hasn't been built yet that's big enough to handle Wildrider! Some of his fellow Stunticons attribute his reckless behavior to be a calculated attempt by Wildrider to enhance the atmosphere of fear he tries to create in his role as a terrorist. But those who know him better realize it's not an act - he really is that nuts! As his fellow Stunticon Breakdown puts it, "When he's driving, I'd rather take a plane."
- What Fireflight does for air travel, Wildrider does for the roadways. The difference is that the Aerialbot honestly means no harm and this insanely wild-riding Stunticon most definitely does. Some of his Decepticon comrades suspect him of playing insane to enhance his street cred, but those who have come to know him the best realize that it's no act. Wildrider really is as crazy as they come and a very real danger to anything on the road with him. Even his fellow Stunticons are wary of driving anywhere near him. Or as his fellow Stunticon Dead End (G1) would say "If he's driving, I'm taking the train."
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Alternate Mode
| - Ferrari 308 GTB sports car
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Alternate Name
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| - Scattershot gun, plasma-energy blaster
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| - What Fireflight does for air travel, Wildrider does for the roadways. The difference is that the Aerialbot honestly means no harm and this insanely wild-riding Stunticon most definitely does. Some of his Decepticon comrades suspect him of playing insane to enhance his street cred, but those who have come to know him the best realize that it's no act. Wildrider really is as crazy as they come and a very real danger to anything on the road with him. Even his fellow Stunticons are wary of driving anywhere near him. Or as his fellow Stunticon Dead End (G1) would say "If he's driving, I'm taking the train." Wildrider combines with his fellow Stunticons to form Menasor. French name (Canada): Faroucho Italian name: Squalo ("Shark") Portuguese name (Portugal cartoon): Auto-Selvagem
- Look out, motorists! The road hasn't been built yet that's big enough to handle Wildrider! Some of his fellow Stunticons attribute his reckless behavior to be a calculated attempt by Wildrider to enhance the atmosphere of fear he tries to create in his role as a terrorist. But those who know him better realize it's not an act - he really is that nuts! As his fellow Stunticon Breakdown puts it, "When he's driving, I'd rather take a plane." Wildrider can reach 250 mph in Ferrari 308 GTB sports car mode, and has amazing maneuverability. In robot mode, he uses a scattershot gun, which can spray a fifty-square yard area with searing, ripping laser beams at a distance of ΒΌ mile. With it, he can demolish a small 5-story building in two minutes. He combines with his fellow Stunticons to form the giant robot "Menasor." Wildrider fears quiet. He suspects enemies are lurking, ready to pounce on him, if all he hears are the sounds he produces himself. This gets him very nervous and hampers his effectiveness. In car mode, he is prone to tire blow-outs due to the crazy way he drives.
- Look out motorists -- he exults in the accidents he causes! Drives recklessly, screaming and laughing. Some comrades think it's an act, others know he's really as nuts as he appears. Fears quiet. Prone to tire blow-outs. In car mode goes up to 250 mph with amazing maneuverability. In robot mode, his scattershot gun sprays laser beams over wide areas. Combines with fellow to form Menasor.
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