| - The Averard Penitentiary was a Large Prison constructed and located upon the remote planetoid of Averard in the Norpha System. Construction began in 14 BBY by Eruk Byssta, Tera Byssta's grandson after the Templars realized that if they wished to become a stronger presence, they wouldn't be able to house their prisoners in the basement of their Temple anymore. The Prison was constructed with immensely powerful and inventive technology as Eruk's intelligence and imagination rivaled even his fabled Grandmother's. After the construction was completed, four platoons of seasoned Templar Marines were sent into the prison to attempt to escape. They failed. To this day, the motto of Averard Penitentiary is 'The Force Itself Would Be Prisoner Here,' referring to the fact that the Penitentiary has proved time and time again to be inescapable. There are no guards within the Penitentiary, instead the entire Penitentiary is a giant AI unit which controls every from a neural circuitry located upon a space station that orbits Averard. All personnel for the prison are located here as well. The Penitentiary was unique in that no sentient being are allowed within the structure, except for the prisoners themselves. All prisoners were shuttled to and from the penitentiary by remotely controlled shuttles that were controlled by trained operators on board the space station. Shuttles were cleared by elite guards on board the space station, and cleared once again by elite Battle Droids after entering the hanger bay of the penitentiary. All Shuttles were scanned for life-forms upon leaving the penitentiary. All supply shuttles were handled the same way, except for the fact that they were scanned for sentient life-forms on both leaving the space-station and the penitentiary. These shuttles would land on top of the penitentiary and after being magnetically locked in place, would have their supplies unloaded by supply droids through an air-lock, thus making it impossible for any living thing to stow away upon the supply shuttles. The Penitentiary and Prisoner Shuttles were equipped with AX-27L force suppression fields, thus making the use of the force in either the shuttles or the penitentiary impossible. All operations in the penitentiary were handled by droids controlled by the Penitentiary AI, thus making it so the only living things in the entire structure were the prisoners. Everything from medical services to serving supplies and rations were carried out by droids and all of the prison guards were droids as well. The Remote AI would monitor the entire prison every hour of the day to such an extent that it would be able to know when a single prisoner was trying to break curfew.