| - The Blood Sanctum was a unique type of superbattleship built at Lord Darkon's directive to be his personal flagship. Absolutely enormous in size and sheer firepower, and armored heavily enough to withstand a direct hit from a Death Star superlaser, supporting the latest Energized Quadlayer Reactive Plating (as opposed to the already ultra-dense Energized Twinlayer Reactive Plating used on Kurgarin class dreadnoughts), it was meant to counter the Gatekeeper's Uberweapon superdestroyer. While considerably smaller than its counterpart, the Blood Sanctum is more heavily armored, and its compartmentalized, decentralized hull design makes it very difficult to cause critical damage. Also, its experimental Fury tetryon disruptor rivaled the Uberweapon's primary weapon in sheer firepower. Like most
| - The Blood Sanctum was a unique type of superbattleship built at Lord Darkon's directive to be his personal flagship. Absolutely enormous in size and sheer firepower, and armored heavily enough to withstand a direct hit from a Death Star superlaser, supporting the latest Energized Quadlayer Reactive Plating (as opposed to the already ultra-dense Energized Twinlayer Reactive Plating used on Kurgarin class dreadnoughts), it was meant to counter the Gatekeeper's Uberweapon superdestroyer. While considerably smaller than its counterpart, the Blood Sanctum is more heavily armored, and its compartmentalized, decentralized hull design makes it very difficult to cause critical damage. Also, its experimental Fury tetryon disruptor rivaled the Uberweapon's primary weapon in sheer firepower. Like most RTSE warships, the Blood Sanctum favors heavy armor, powerful assault weaponry, resilience, and concentration of firepower over speed, maneuverability, weapon coverage, and shielding. With somewhat limited point-defense weaponry, it is vulnerable to massed missile/torpedo attacks. It first saw action in the massive battle of the Akates System, where it performed admirably, under command of Lady Deathstrike, leading the RTSE Prime Fleet. Engaging in a prolonged duel with the Uberweapon, the Blood Sanctum did sustain significant damage, but also severely damaged the Uberweapon. Both vessels eventually came near destruction, but they were repeatedly repaired by the powers of their respective masters. The Blood Sanctum withdrew from battle, along with the surviving ships of the Prime Fleet, when the Uberweapon was seemingly destroyed, retreating to Staging Point 4A. When the faction leaders, including both Lord Darkon and Deathstrike were transported to Kane's alternate reality planet, the Blood Sanctum seemingly vanished, as Deathstrike looked at it from the Uberweapon's bridge view ports. However, the entire alternate reality experience being a massive illusion, the Blood Sanctum was boarded by Fleet Admiral Rajko, and taken back to RTSE space for repairs while the alternate reality illusory scenarios were unfolding. Upon their return, Lord Darkon and his apprentice again assumed command of the vessel.