| - Grumbarth is the language of the Ogre Kingdoms.[1a] Also known as Ogrish, Grumbarth is a language little understood by other races, and hard going even for Ogres.[2a] It is a snorting, growling language, although many can get by in Norse and a smattering of other Old World languages.[1b] When something is unspeakably bad or horrifying, an Ogre might say: "It nearly put me off me tea", while 'troll's leavings' is a term with the same meaning as 'sweet FA'.[1b]
| - Grumbarth is the language of the Ogre Kingdoms.[1a] Also known as Ogrish, Grumbarth is a language little understood by other races, and hard going even for Ogres.[2a] It is a snorting, growling language, although many can get by in Norse and a smattering of other Old World languages.[1b] Most Ogrish idioms concern food and eating, and those Ogres who speak human tongues have a habit of translating these literally, which creates interesting problems with communication. "Slim" is a term applied to most non-Ogres in conversation, and occassionally an Ogre will address another as such by way of an insult.[1b] Most of their terms for other races translate to "food", "vittles" or similar. One story sums up the typical Ogrish attitudes to eating and fighting: an Ogre mercenary captain is believed to have said to his Human employer "Oi, slim! Shift yer starters an' will make breakfast!" which is roughly translatable as "Insignificantly small person, if you would like to move your front rank out of our way, we shall engage the enemy."[1b] When something is unspeakably bad or horrifying, an Ogre might say: "It nearly put me off me tea", while 'troll's leavings' is a term with the same meaning as 'sweet FA'.[1b]