| - Offices are economy buildings in Tropico 5. They hire high school-educated or college-educated workers, and their effectiveness is based upon the number of residential buildings in the Vicinity. They can be built in the modern era. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Office (cs_office) is an official hostage rescue map in Counter-Strike Online.
- Office (cs_office) is an official hostage rescue map. It has since appeared in every Counter-Strike game, besides Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes.
- There are 2 main office suites:
* OpenOffice.org
* Microsoft Office
- The Office is where you check your progress (Seeing info about the girls, event stories etc) as well as sending gifts to your Flower Knights. (Once all details per page is done, they'll receive their own pages if required)
- Office' es un mapa de Chaser, en S4 League.
- The Office is an area of the Raccoon Zoo, which is visited in Resident Evil Outbreak File #2.
- Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is 007F00
- Esta página pertenece a la Negropedia. Parte comprendida entre la cocina y el comedor destinada a usos múltiples.
- Office oder auch Büro-Komplex ist eine Geiselszenario-Karte aus Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero, Counter-Strike: Source und Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Die Karte spielt sich in einem Bürogebäude einer verschneiten US-amerikanischen Stadt ab, in der sich Terroristen mit einigen Geiseln verschanzt haben. Office zählt zu den beliebtesten Karten des Modus Geiselszenario.
- The Office is a type of that can be searched in The Last Stand: Dead Zone.
- Office (рус. Офис) — карта мультиплеера порта Half-Life на PlayStation 2.
- Office (cs_office) jest oficjalną mapą w serii gier Counter-Strike. Pojawiła się w każdej odsłonie gry, poza Counter-Strike: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes.
- In Airline Tycoon, an airline's main office is indicated by a green door under a coloured lamp that matches the colour of that airline. Its shortcut key is: O and neighbours its own Personnel Office indicated by grey doors under the same coloured lamp. Aside from the decor, the functions available in the office for each airline manager are the same. Various tasks can be performed from the office by first clicking on one of the following items: the globe, the model plane, the phone, the painting, the inbox, or the coat (rack).
- Office (cs_office) Es Un Mapa oficial de Rescate de rehenes que aparece en Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike (Xbox), Counter-Strike: Condition Zero y Counter-Strike: Source. Una Versión mejorada aparecera en Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
- Office is a small-sized asymmetrical Chaser Mode map in S4 League and the most played Chaser map next to Circle-2.
- "A tight interior space with lots of cover, this office has been overrun by hostile forces. There's no chance to take this one outside, so prepare for a long, intense fight." Office is one of the Guerrilla Mode maps in Future Soldier. It's set in a small Office Building, but there's also a small section that leads out to the roof.
- Office is an area of the Facility 1F that is featured in Dino Crisis.
- Office es la segunda sección del tercer nivel del videojuego Mortal Kombat Special Forces. Su ubicación es en Earthrealm, y forma parte del edificio que el Dragón Negro utiliza como escondite, ubicándose arriba de Garage y debajo de Office Roof. La misión principal en la Oficina consiste en buscar llaves ocultas a lo largo del nivel para lograr desbloquear un elevador y así llegar a el techo de la oficina mientras derrotas en el camino a los enemigos que intenten detener a Jax.
- Every Flower in the PPC has an office. Here they do whatever paperwork Flowers do, as well as giving audiences to agents whom they can't avoid seeing. Most offices are difficult to find a lot of the time, and very few of them feature chairs for agents to sit down on; the Flowers don't want them to stay there, after all. Some non-Flowers have offices, including:
- High ranking officials used to have offices such as the Federation President or Starfleet flag officers. It normally featured a desk and models of various starships or space stations. (ENT: "Regeneration"; Star Trek Into Darkness; Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country) Doctor Tristan Adams had a study at the Tantalus Colony. (TOS: "Dagger of the Mind" ) Groppler Zorn had an office with a wooden door. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint" )