| - Garrador (Strong Ordinary 2, Tough Ordinary 2) Medium-size Humanoid Plagas Host Challenge Rating: 3 Hit Dice: 2d8+2d10+24 (44HP) Initiative: +1 Speed: 35ft Defense/Touch/Flat-footed: 20/11/19 Massive Damage: 17 BAB/Grapple Bonus: +3/+7 Attacks: Melee +5 (1d6+2 Claw) Special Attack: Flurry Attack- Melee +1 (1d6+2 Claw) to all threatened squares. Full Round Attack only. Fighting Space/Reach: 5ft by 5ft /5ft Allegiances: Osmond Saddler, Plagas Collective Saves: Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +3 Abilities: Str 15, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 10 Skills: Balance +3, Intimidate +4, Listen +7 (+9 including Alertness) Feats: Alertness, Toughness X4, Power Attack Talents: Damage Reduction 3/-, Stamina Special Qualities: Blind, Improved Grab, Common Plagas Host Traits, Plagas Weakness (Shared HP, expos
| - Garrador (Strong Ordinary 2, Tough Ordinary 2) Medium-size Humanoid Plagas Host Challenge Rating: 3 Hit Dice: 2d8+2d10+24 (44HP) Initiative: +1 Speed: 35ft Defense/Touch/Flat-footed: 20/11/19 Massive Damage: 17 BAB/Grapple Bonus: +3/+7 Attacks: Melee +5 (1d6+2 Claw) Special Attack: Flurry Attack- Melee +1 (1d6+2 Claw) to all threatened squares. Full Round Attack only. Fighting Space/Reach: 5ft by 5ft /5ft Allegiances: Osmond Saddler, Plagas Collective Saves: Fort +7, Ref +1, Will +3 Abilities: Str 15, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 8, Wis 16, Cha 10 Skills: Balance +3, Intimidate +4, Listen +7 (+9 including Alertness) Feats: Alertness, Toughness X4, Power Attack Talents: Damage Reduction 3/-, Stamina Special Qualities: Blind, Improved Grab, Common Plagas Host Traits, Plagas Weakness (Shared HP, exposed Plagas) Possessions: Grafted Armor (Doesn’t Cover Plagas). (Commandos) Chaingunner (Tough Ordinary 5) Medium-size Human Plagas Host Challenge Rating: 4 Hit Dice: 5d10+30 (58HP) Initiative: +1 Speed: 15ft (Heavily encumbered) Defense/Touch/Flat-footed: 20/14/19 Armor Penalty: -5 Massive Damage: 16 BAB/Grapple Bonus: +3/+6 Attacks: Melee -1 (1d6+2 Slam) (1d4+2 Lethal Slam); Ranged -2 (2d12 XM214) Fighting Space/Reach: 5ft by 5ft /5ft Allegiances: Osmond Saddler, Plagas Collective Saves: Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +4 Abilities: Str 14, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 17, Cha 8 Skills: Climb -3, Demolitions +3, Drive +3, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (tactics) +3, Spot +4, Feats: Brawl, Combat Martial Arts, Exotic Firearms Proficiency (), Armor Proficiency (Medium), Simple Weapons Proficiency, Toughness X2 Talents: Damage Reduction 3/-, Stamina Special Qualities: Darkvision, Improved Grab, Low-light Vision, Common Plagas Host Traits Occupation: Military (Demolitions, Knowledge [tactics]) Armor: Tactical Vest Possessions: XM214 Microgun