| - Primary Practitioners: Humans (Duranin) Region of Origin: Marcuria The Ahirim Church is the dominant religious order in Duranin, and has a monopoly on most faith in the land. It is a strict monotheistic religion mostly focusing on humility, rebirth, and purity. It has proven a popular faith throughout Rhodeva’s history, both for it’s message of self-purification and cleansing, and it's support of the common folk. The church believes in the cleansing light of their goodly deity, Ahir, and warns of the evil and treachery of his twin sister, the sinister Dhis. Ahir's name itself is considered sacred, so he is almost always referred to as God, or merely Him.
| - Primary Practitioners: Humans (Duranin) Region of Origin: Marcuria The Ahirim Church is the dominant religious order in Duranin, and has a monopoly on most faith in the land. It is a strict monotheistic religion mostly focusing on humility, rebirth, and purity. It has proven a popular faith throughout Rhodeva’s history, both for it’s message of self-purification and cleansing, and it's support of the common folk. The church believes in the cleansing light of their goodly deity, Ahir, and warns of the evil and treachery of his twin sister, the sinister Dhis. Ahir's name itself is considered sacred, so he is almost always referred to as God, or merely Him. The Church bases itself in the city of Batham, though it also possesses a large presence in the capital, (Haven), working alongside the crown and Senate to preserve it's interests. While the Church does not openly slander other faiths, it is quick to prevent any permanent establishment of worship from arising, as the Church is the only legally recognized faith in the land.