| - Proposal:
* Before the wedding: "____~. We'll be married soon. I'm embarrassed~. When we're married, I'll do my best with the cooking and cleaning and such."
* Picking nicknames: "From today, we're married~. The way I refer to you sounds like we're strangers. Please call me Flora. Think of your nickname, ___? Okay. From now on I'll call you ___ ♥"
* "Good morning~ ♥ ____ ♥"
* "____~. Hee hee, I just wanted to call you ♥."
* Red Heart: "Housework is more tiring than excavating. But it's not a bad tiredness. If I think that I'm doing housework for ___, I'm happy ♥."
* Orange Heart: "My job at the excavation site was to find things from the past which was pretty fun~. But now life on the farm is fun~. With my sweet ___~."
* Yellow Heart: "Daily housework makes me think fondly of the excavation site. I wonder how the professor prepares meals~. I wonder~."
* Green Heart: "Well.....I get lost in thought around this time~."
* Blue Heart or lower: ".............haa.......... don't worry about me~. Just leave me alone~."
* "You must be tired! Please have a good rest."
* "Everyday is life like a dream. Nitey-night. ♥"
* "Good night. Do your best tomorrow, too."
* Your birthday: "Happy birthday~. Let's all celebrate this day together~. It's wonderful."
* Her birthday: "Let's celebrate~. I'm with my loving husband and child, I'm happy."
* Your anniversary: "Good morning~. Uh, do you remember what day it is today~? That's right~! I'm so glad you remembered~!! To thank you for remembering I have a present for you, ___~. Here you go. ♥"
* "I'm worried, so I'm gonna go check up on the professor."
* "The professor is the same~."
* "Did you come to pick me up? Thank you~." Pregnancy Event:
* "I wanted to be called mom by my own child~. My dream's about to come true."
* "I've done it~. iIve been thinking for awhile that I wanted a baby~."
* "I believe I am pregnant. This is wonderful."
* "When my tummy starts to grow, I'll think there's a baby, but you can't tell yet, can you?"
* "It's amazing~. My tummy's starting to grow~."
* "The baby kicked my tummy~. The baby's full of energy... I wonder if it's a boy~."
* "Wahhh~. ____ is very cute."
* "I'd do anything for that child. Right, ___♥?
* "My baby is so cute~. I'm so glad I'm his mother."
* "____ is such a good kid~."
* "___ helped wash dishes the other day~. I was happy~."
* "___, you've become a fine person~."
* "I'm going to look after you with lots of love from now on~."