| - "Dang!" exclaimed Sly, as he peered at his cane, which now lay in pieces. He was fighting a bank robber, when the robber suddenly shot at his cane, smashing it into 5 pieces. He pulled out his binocucom and pressed the "on" button. "Yo, Bentley, I got a situation on my hands. Meet me in the bank," he said. About 10 minutes later, Bentley had traversed the city of Paris and was at the First National Bank of France. "What happen...Whoa! Your cane, gimme the pieces," he said. He pulled out a carton of plaster from his pack. "Plaster?" said Sly.
| - "Dang!" exclaimed Sly, as he peered at his cane, which now lay in pieces. He was fighting a bank robber, when the robber suddenly shot at his cane, smashing it into 5 pieces. He pulled out his binocucom and pressed the "on" button. "Yo, Bentley, I got a situation on my hands. Meet me in the bank," he said. About 10 minutes later, Bentley had traversed the city of Paris and was at the First National Bank of France. "What happen...Whoa! Your cane, gimme the pieces," he said. He pulled out a carton of plaster from his pack. "Plaster?" said Sly. "Never know when you're gonna need it..." Bentley replied. Our turtley friend carefully poured some plaster over the parts. It set very quickly. "Judging from the damage to your cane, you'll need a new one. I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy that owns a forge, so I should be able to get this cast. Then i'll upgrade the heck out of it, stun darts, grapple hooks, a sheild, and much more!" Bentley then wheeled out the door and down the street. Sly, with nothing else to do, looted the comatose robber. A platinum watch, several diamond-studded rings, and a whole ton of debit cards. My lucky day... he thought.