| - Grayson: Hi, Kimberly. Kimberly Holt: Hi, Grayson. Cherry's waiting, are you ready? Grayson: Yeah. (He follows Kimberly out the door, where another girl is waiting.) Cherry Jones: Let's go, guys! (They start running to the lab.) Kimberly: This is so exciting! Kimberly's Charmander: Char, mander! Grayson: Mm-hmm. Grayson's Squirtle: Squirt. Cherry: I think that this is gonna be a journey for the ages! Cherry's Bulbasaur: Bulba! (They run off for Viridian Forest.) Kimberly: I'm scared... What if we run into Beedrill? Or Scyther? Grayson: Don't worry, Kimberly. Cherry: Yeah, you've got us and Charmander.
| - Grayson: Hi, Kimberly. Kimberly Holt: Hi, Grayson. Cherry's waiting, are you ready? Grayson: Yeah. (He follows Kimberly out the door, where another girl is waiting.) Cherry Jones: Let's go, guys! (They start running to the lab.) Kimberly: This is so exciting! Kimberly's Charmander: Char, mander! Grayson: Mm-hmm. Grayson's Squirtle: Squirt. Cherry: I think that this is gonna be a journey for the ages! Cherry's Bulbasaur: Bulba! (They run off for Viridian Forest.) Kimberly: I'm scared... What if we run into Beedrill? Or Scyther? Grayson: Don't worry, Kimberly. Cherry: Yeah, you've got us and Charmander. Kimberly: Thanks, guys. (She fiddles with her pigtails.) Cherry: Bulbasaur, Vine Whip! Kimberly: Charmander, Flamethrower! Grayson: Squirtle, Water Gun! Kimberly: Yay, they're gone! Grayson: Now we can go to Pewter City. Cherry: Mm-hmm! Kimberly: Thanks a lot, Charmander. (She kisses him on the cheek.)