| - The Staff of Armadyl is a quest item used to complete the Temple of Ikov quest if the player sides with Lucien. It is obtained by either telegrabing it or by killing all of the Guardians of Armadyl and taking it. It is then given to Lucien west of Varrock to complete the quest.
- De Staff of Armadyl, in het Nederlands de Staf van Armadyl is een quest voorwerp uit de Temple of Ikov quest. De staf staat bekend als een god item, waarschijnlijk gecreëerd door de god Armadyl. Het is echter onbekend of de staf door Armadyl is gecreëerd, maar het bevat de naam van Armadyl en zijn symbool op de staf. De staf is na de Stone of Jas, het sterkste voorwerp in Gielinor en werd gebruikt door Zamorak en in de recente gebeurtenissen door Lucien. Spelers kunnen de staf krijgen door de kant van Lucien te kiezen tijdens de Temple of Ikov quest. Spelers moeten de staf stelen van de Guardians of Armadyl in de Temple of Ikov, ten noorden van East Ardougne. In het museum van Varrock is een duplicaat te vinden (display nummer 28).
- The staff is able to give mortal wielders the ability to use its tremendous powers and amazingly increases magical and defensive abilities. Being one of the god slayers, it is also one of the few weapons capable of slaying young gods, as well as transferring large amounts of their power to its wielder afterwards. Contrary to popular belief, the orb at the top of the staff, which was added by Armadyl after its creation, is not the source of the staff's power, but rather the shaft. __TOC__
- The Staff of Armadyl, eli Armadylin Sauva on tehtävätavara, jota käytetään Ikovin Temppeli -tehtävässä. Jos olet Lucienin puolella, sinun täytyy varastaa se. Se on Puhtaan hyvän jumalan Armadylin sauva ja Zamorak käytti sitä tuhotakseen Zarosksen. thumb|250px Staff of Armadylin kopiota säilytetään varrockin museossa näytteillä.
- The staff plays an important role in Gielinor's history, and is known to have played a key-role in many important historical events. The staff heavily features in the quest Temple of Ikov, where the Mahjarrat Lucien tasks players to collect the staff for him. It is also seen during the quests While Guthix Sleeps, Ritual of the Mahjarrat, The World Wakes, Kindred Spirits, Children of Mah, and Sliske's Endgame, and is mentioned in Missing, Presumed Death, Fate of the Gods, and the miniquest Curse of Zaros.
- The godstaff of Armadyl belongs to the god of purity and justice, Armadyl. It is an extremely powerful god-weapon and has a very important role in the history of Gielinor. It is not known when or how it was created, but at some point it was placed in the temple of Ikov, guarded by the Guardians of Armadyl, for safekeeping. However, Zamorak quickly returned to Gielinor as a god himself, he declared war upon the other gods. And this was how the God Wars started.