| - Hannah is Kayden and Hayden's little sister. She is 6 years old. She loves to playing with my garden in outside.
- Hannah is a recurring character of the American fictional television show Chuck on NBC. First appeared in the Season Three episode, "Chuck Versus First Class". She is portrayed by Kristin Kreuk of Smallville fame.
- Hannah is a neighbour of Mitchell, George and Annie. She is invited to their house by Mitchell, as Mitchell wants to live a normal human life - which includes contact to the neighbours. She came together with Suzie who lives in house number eight. She cut her finger and George told her that there were plasters in the bathroom. There she fainted. Mitchell finds her and goes downstairs with her.
- Hannah is the baby niece of Gina, who debuted in episode 3923 of Sesame Street. On her first day on the street, she has encounters with Telly and Elmo and later makes friends with Baby Natasha. She also made appearances in episode 3953, where The Count teaches Baby Bear to count her. Later in the episode, Gina uses her for a demonstration of up and down. She also appears in episode 3963, where Gordon, Maria and Bob sing her a lullaby.
- Hannah zählt zu den Einwohnern Seenhains im Rotkammgebirge.
- Hannah was the woman who hadn't slept in ten day in the episode "Sleeping Dogs Lie". She was portrayed by actress Jayma Mays.
- Der Vorname Hannah kann sich auf verschiedene Person bzw. Tiere der Bibi und Tina Geschichten beziehen. Folgend bekannte Namensträgerinnen:
* Hannah Henne: Ein Huhn des Martinshofes
* Hannah Simon, genannt die Alte Hannah
- This Flaaffy, nicknamed Hannah, is an Electric-type Pokémon owned by Sullivan.
- Hannah was a radio operator working for a US military agency. In 2002, she served as Jack Krauser's contact up to his link up with Leon S. Kennedy in ready for their mission to apprehend Javier Hidalgo.
- Hannah is Frank's teenage daughter, a survivor of the Rage Virus after it originally decimated Great Britain, and one of the Manchester Three.
- When he hires Chris to be his secretary to arrange his liaisons, he is tasked with scheduling Hannah's next 'appointment' in the following two weeks. In addition to informer her to avoid eating the night before her next visit, he suggests she leave her panties in a bowl for a chance to win a free lunch. After he takes him up on the offer and departs, Chris finds out from Quagmire that there is no actual lunch and he just occasionally enjoys sniffing the bowl. Hannah is voiced by Rachael MacFarlane.
- Peasant Blouse, sizes 18M/2T - 11/12. Design by Sabine Pollehn, released in 2006. Available in German only.
- Hanna is voiced by June Diane Raphael.
- Hannah Del-Fay
- Hannah is a character seen in Hell & Back.
- Hannah is a kind, nice girl.
- Hannah is a love interest for Kai Chen.
- Hannah is a woman who appeared in "Off the Grid".
- Hannah was the former love interest of Old Longfellow before converting to the Children of Atom.
- Hannah is a character from Spooks: Code 9 who is shot in the first episode.
- Hannah is a character labeled The Quiet Girl on Return to Total Drama Island, and it's sequel, Return to Total Drama Action. Hannah isn't one for talking. Hannah grew up in a noisy house full of bickering and anger. This caused Hannah to withdraw from social activities and essentially become self-isolated. This, however, doesn't bother her one smidge, as Hannah loves the peace that silence brings (and that she so very much longs for in her home). Hannah would use her winnings to travel somewhere where she could enjoy her precious silence forever.
- Hannah is the vampiric lady love of Willie McCoy. Willie refers to her as Angel Fangs. Hannah also gets possessed by the Traveler when Vampire Council members are in town. (Burnt Offerings) Hamilton erroneously called her "Candy" in The Harlequin; she later wrote in her blog that Candy had been Hannah's original name during the first draft of Burnt Offerings, and that the mistake will be corrected for the paperback edition of the book. This article or section is a stub. You can help the Anita Blake Wiki by [ expanding it].
- Complete Union of the Golden Chalice Task 70 and the quest Blooming Flower, Singing Bird.
- Way back in the day, she was charged with hunting down and destroying a certain demon. At some point about 300 years ago, she lost its trail, and by the time that she found it again, it had already preyed on another human. She was presented with the choice to leave the human and get back on his trail, or helping the human and let it go cold completely. Seeing this as her personal failure, she vowed to atone for what she had done, and saved the human. She helps him remain anchored in the present and watches over him to keep him from slipping into insanity.
- Dr. Hannah is a doctor working in the Harmony Falls Psychiatric Facility.
- Hannah is one of the participants when David and Evie decide to hire a singer for the Ocean Café. In Zac's Pool Party Hannah is invited by Evie to the surprise pool party for Zac.
- Hannah works in the Golden Dubloon restaurant on Krawk Island, but is also an adventurer. The picture shown is an older one, and more modern pictures are available to view on the Neopets site, but are subject to copyright. She is of an average height for an usul, and is generally pretty. She has a fond liking of gems and valuable treasures, which is why she goes on her adventures anyway. She self-advertises herself through "boasting" around towns, calling herself "Hannah the Brave."
- Hannah ist die Ehrwürdige Mutter des Dorfes Redcliffe. Man findet sie in der Kirche.
- Hannah is the friend of Annie Warbucks in the film Annie: A Royal Adventure!. It is unknown which extra orphan is her in the original 1982 film. She has adoptive parents and works as a paper girl with Annie in this sequel. Hannah doesn't like anything to do with snakes, not even thinking about them. Emily Ann Lloyd portrayed her.
- Hannah ist in der Stadt Seenhain im Rotkammgebirge zu finden.
- Hannah is a human child found in Lakeshire of Redridge Mountains.
- Hannah (ハナちゃん, Hana-chan) is a childhood friend of Howdy. A southern belle who develops a short-lived crush on Dexter. She is one of the very few who can stand Howdy's jokes. In fact, she claims to find them endearing and knows every one of his jokes so well that she can state the punchlines before he does. All of the Ham-Hams think she is pretty.
- She was presumed dead at the hands of the Assamite Parmenides in 1999, who was sent by Sascha Vykos as one of the first steps of the siege of Atlanta. However there seems to be no proof of her demise. Later, it is revealed that Hannah actually survived the assassination attempt by migrating her spirit into a statue made by the Toreador sculptor Leopold.
- Hannah was a girl from Shiloh that Marius Blackwood briefly dated during his station there. The two went out boating together, which Blackwood kept a picture of up until his death. Blackwood considered not staying with her one of his greatest failures, and his one shot at normalcy that his military life prevented him from having.
- Hannah is one of the three Amazon sisters introduced in the twenty-fourth arc of Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures, "The Return of Dark Pegasus?".
- Hannah is an NPC in Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra.
- Hannah was a pretty woman with blonde hair in her early twenties.
- Hannah is a character that appears in the TV series and Walking Dead Webisodes, and actor in the TV Series.
- Hannah was a red-eyed vampire who is a related ancestor of Isabella Swan.
- Hannah was Ellie Sattler's secretary before and during the events in Jurassic Park III. She told Ellie that her editor Tom didn't like the final chapter of Ellie's book and Ellie told her to tell him she wasn't going to lose the Jack Horner quote.
- Hannah is the revered mother of the Village Chantry in Redcliffe Village. Her duties include taking care of the spiritual needs of the Redcliffe flock and administering the chantry.
- Hannah ist ein Charakter aus der zweiten Trilogie der Spiele, der immer wieder kurze Auftritte hat. So wie Aldus erdacht wurde, um Schnurrbert zu ersetzen, soll sie vermutlich Polo ersetzen. Sie ist Gründerin, Präsidentin und einziges Mitglied des Clamp-Grosky-Fanclubs. Ihren ersten Auftritt hatte sie in Professor Layton und der Ruf des Phantoms, später kommt sie in Professor Layton und die Maske der Wunder und auch in Professor Layton und das Vermächtnis von Aslant vor.
- Hannah is a minor character on 90210 and portrayed by Emmanuelle Roumain. She plays keyboards for the Glorious Steinems and, along with Cat, hires Adrianna Tate-Duncan as their lead vocalist.
- Prior to moving to Watership Down with Kehaar, she lived in Nuthanger Farm with the farmer's dog, Duster and cat, Tabitha. In the second episode of the series, she was used as bait to lure a troublesome weasel into a rock tunnel, since the escape hole in the burrow was small enough for her. Hannah lived on Watership Down with the rabbits afterwards, and became one of the supporting main characters in the series. She is notably one of the only characters who has the ability to use magic and plans to use it to save Watership Down, even though it will cost her her life, or at least her youth, but ultimately she does not have to as Silverweed sacrifices himself in her place.
- ALF gave Alfina to a mean old lady named Ethel Buttonwood because he was jealous of all of the attention and affection that Alfina was getting. Ethel Buttonwood only pretended to be the owner so she could sell the dog, so ALF and Willie have to go retrieve her.
- Hannah made her first appearance on 12 August 2016. She is portrayed by an unknown actress.
- Hannah is a coach who will be introduced in the twenty-first season.
- The name Hannah refers to two different characters from Favorite Word. Click on either of the images below to find out more about that character:
- Hannah Morgan was a character on Barney and Friends from Seasons 4, 5, and 6. She is played by Marisa Kuers.
- Hannah is an angel appearing in Season 9 and Season 10 of the TV Show Supernatural. She is a loyal follower of Castiel and acts as his second in command. She is portrayed by Erica Carroll.
- Hannah was an angel that fell from Heaven by Metatron and eventually allies herself with Castiel and appears to be his second in command. After foiling Metatron's attempt to take over Heaven and rule the Earth, Hannah accompanied Castiel trying to round up the remaining rogue angels but her time on earth had made her begin to feel things she never felt before and she eventually embraced her feelings and thus grew an attraction to Castiel. After encountering her vessel Caroline's husband, Joe, and feeling her vessel's pain of being taken from Joe, Hannah left her vessel and returned to Heaven so Caroline could return to her old life. Her actions also inspired Castiel to take an active part in the life of his own vessel's daughter's life. Hannah went on to become the leader of Heaven in Cast
- Hannah is a regular girl living at her General Red's mansion, where her best friend is Jake the service robot. When her father finds out that she is associating with robots, he is disgusted, believing that robots are incapable of feeling and acting like humans. Hannah furiously tells Red that Jake is around for her more than Red is; this prompts Red to separate the two and send Jake to a waste disposal plant. In the final episode of the 2003 series, Hannah, Jake, and General Red are in the audience together during Professor Ochanomizu's speech about robot-human equality.
- Hannah was a 23rd century female Human in an alternate reality. Hannah was born in Fresno, California, to parents who were both botanists. In 2255, she was a graduate student in botany at San Francisco State University and worked as a barista at Brewsky's, a coffeehouse in San Francisco, where she was befriended by Starfleet Academy Cadet James T. Kirk.
- Los Angelesissa, Yhdysvalloissa syntynyt Hannah Mancini on kotiutunut Sloveniaan rakkauden myötä. Kuutisen vuotta sitten hän avioitui slovenialaisen miehen kanssa. Vaikka Hannahin nimi ei varmasti vielä soitakaan paljon kelloja, on hän rautaisena ammattilaisena ehtinyt tehdä uransa aikana jo paljon.Hannah on esimerkiksi työskennellyt lukuisten huipputuottajien, kuten Todd Chapmanin ja Larry Kleinin, kanssa. Hän on laulanut useilla Disney-soundtrackeilla, tehnyt taustoja monille artisteille sekä esiintynyt Radio City Music hallissa ja Jay Lenon Tonight show’ssa. Laulu-, tanssi- ja esiintymistaitoinen Hannah on discoperhonen henkeen ja vereen, ja on sitä kautta antanut äänensä kymmenille genren levytyksille, joita on julkaistu kansainvälisestikin.Yksi tärkeimmistä projekteista Hannahilla on
- Hannah, wife of Elkanah, was the mother of the prophet Samuel. She lived in the town of Ramathaim-zophim in the hill country of Ephraim. Samuel was her firstborn son. She would go on to have three more sons and two daughters.
- Hannah ist ein Asiatisches Elefantenkuhkalb in der African Lion Safari in Hamilton in der kanadischen Provinz Ontario. Hannah wurde am 19.10.2014 in der African Lion Safari geboren. Ihr Geburtsgewicht lag bei etwa 105 kg. Ihre Mutter Lilly brachte sie nach einer Tragzeit von 21 Monaten auf die Welt. Lilly stammt aus dem Zoo Ramat Gan in Israel und kam 1993 zusammen mit ihrer Schwester Phoebe in den Safaripark in Hamilton. Vor Hannahs Geburt gebar sie dort bereits drei Kälber. Von diesen lebt noch Hannahs Halbschwester Piccolina (Piccolo) im Safaripark. Ihr Halbbruder Albert wurde 2003 an den Albuquerque Biological Park in New Mexico (USA) abgegeben.
- Hannah is a non-playable character in Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade. She is a fortune-teller who joins Eliwood and Hector's army at the start of Chapter 14: False Friends to offer augury of the battles ahead. She leaves the group after they proceed to visit Bern, and her task is then taken over by the newly re-recruited Nils, who offers his services for free. Hannah never appears again, not even in the epilogue, probably as she never was intended to be an important character.
- Hannah was a childhood pet of Dave Lister. Hannah was a female dog owned by the Listers, Dave's adopted family, of Liverpool, England, Earth, at some point in the mid-22nd Century. Dave Lister had lost all the photographs of his adoptive father, who died when Dave was six. He did still however have a photograph of him walking the family dog Hannah, but only his father's beige overcoat and gloved hand could be seen, holding Hannah's leash. The Cat says that would chase Hannah if the dog were still around, but Lister tells Cat that dogs are "giant", and Cat slinks off terrified.