- Aldo é um dos Outros que foi encarregado de fazer a segurança do Prédio da Hidra aonde Karl é mantido preso. Foi morto em 2007 por Claire Littleton
- Aldo (アルド Arudo, fan translated as Altair) is a background character from TearRing Saga: Utna Heroes Saga. He was a warrior from Istoria who wielded dual swords. He lived happily with his lover, Krisheena, until Vega arrived in their village to have a duel with him. After losing the duel, Aldo was beheaded by Vega, despite Krisheena's attempt to stop him. His death resulted in Krisheena's search for the legendary ☆Dakruon in order to revive him.
- Aldo ist ein Anderer, der für die Bewachung der Hydra Einrichtung, in der Karl gefangen gehalten wird verantwortlich ist.
- Aldo is één van de Anderen die de baas was in het bewaken van een gedeelte van de Hydra-station waar Karl gevangen werd gehouden.
- Sometime in the early 16th century, Aldo was captured by the rival Cento Occhi thieves, who planned to execute him. His brother met with Ezio Auditore, Mentor of the Assassin Order allied with his guild, and requested he rescue Aldo. Ezio agreed and managed to intercept the Borgia crossbowmen just before they killed Aldo. Aldo fervently thanked God for having Ezio save him, and soon returned to his brother.
- Aldo (船乗りトレホ Funanori Toreho, Toreho le marin) est un personnage de The Wind Waker. C'est un marin, que l'on retrouve au Batodrome la journée, et qui retourne à Mercantîle, au Café-Bar, la nuit. Il tient un concours de vitesse, au Batodrome, qui permet de gagner jusqu'à 150 rubis. Il semble aussi avoir peur des Poiscoms, puisqu'il conseille à Link d'éviter de les nourrir, car ils pourraient être dangereux.
- Aldo is the self-appointed town greeter in Klamath in 2241.
- Aldo era una estrella binaria junto con Spach.
- Aldo is a minion of Abaddon.
- Aldo is the Tenei Star in Suikoden IV.
- Perteneciente a los Otros, aparece en el capítulo "Not in Portland" cuando está custodiando la entrada de una estación en La Hidra donde Karl se encuentra retenido.
- Aldo was an Other who worked on the Hydra Island as a guard of the Hydra station, until he travelled to the Temple shortly before the arrival of the Kahana. He was soon forced to assist Kate in finding Sawyer, both of whom were responsible for assaulting him years before. However, when he attempted to murder Jin, Aldo was shot dead by Claire.
- Aldo is a character from The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. He is one of the Koroks that resides in the Forest Haven. Before the annual ceremony in the Forest Haven, Aldo is standing next to the Great Deku Tree. If the player has a Deluxe Picto Box then a figurine can be made before the Koroks leave. After the annual ceremony, Aldo can be found sowing trees and spreading the Great Deku Tree's forest on the Cliff Plateau Isles. Aldo is one of the Koroks that Link assists by bringing him Forest Water to restore his dying Deku Tree seedling.
- Aldo is a high-ranking member of the Cacuzza Crime Family. He is apparently quite old, as Jimmy Cacuzza claims that Aldo has known Bohai Lin since before Jax Teller was born.
- Aldo is a central character in the The Original Pentalogy of Planet of the Apes movies. He appears in Conquest of the Planet of the Apes as chimpanzee anti-hero before appearing in Battle for the Planet of the Apes as an antagonistic gorilla.
- Aldo – postać, występująca w Gothic 3, jest to asasyn mieszkający w Bakareshu.
- Aldo était l'un des Autres. En 2004, il était chargé de garder l'entrée d'un bâtiment de l'île de l'Hydre mais Kate l'a assommé pour passer. (Loin de chez elle) Trois ans plus tard, alors qu'il vit au Temple, il est chargé d'accompagner Kate pour retrouver Sawyer dans la jungle. Après avoir été une nouvelle fois assommé, il tente de prendre sa revanche en tuant Jin mais Claire l'abat juste avant qu'il tire. (Cours Kate, cours)
- Titolo Attore AltCasting Doppiatore AltDoppiatore Prima Ultima Apparizione Menzionato Count Centric Nome AKA Età Nascita Morte EpMorte Luogo Professione PerchéAustralia PerchéDestinazione PerchéIsola Familiari Connessioni Aldo era uno degli Altri di guardia ad un'area della stazione Idra, che poi è andato a vivere al Tempio poco prima dell'arrivo del Kahana. E' stato scelto per accompagnare Kate alla ricerca di Sawyer, ricordandogli che anni prima la donna lo aveva aggredito. Mentre stava per uccidere Jin, Aldo viene sparato e ucciso da Claire.
- From a psychiatric standpoint, Aldo is very nearly mentally handicapped. The Montanas certainly didn't welcome him from the goodness of their heart but because he has the unusual talent of being able to turn any object into a potentially lethal weapon. And for a professional hit man, that's a pretty handy trick.
- Aldo lives in the Path of Swords and Wisdom between Eugene & Achilles' House and Paul's House on the opposite side of the bridge of Theater Vancoor.
- Namn: Aldo Jobb: Uppdrag Plats: Soder om Fiskaren Ebert och Juck Köp: Inget Sälj: Inget
- In 1900, Aldo discovered grapes growing from a rose thorn, and rushed to tell his abbot. When he arrived, his abbot told him that grapes growing from a rose bush would make a wine fit for the Holy Father himself. Nothing else has been confirmed about Aldo, however, it can be presumed that he and his abbot made wine from these grapes, and this technique of growing grapes from rose bushes spread throughout France.
- Aldo is Bill's best friend and the deurtagonist of Sitting Ducks. He is voiced by Wayne Knight
- De zalige Aldo ( - einde 8e eeuw) was graaf van Ostravent en werd monnik in de abdij van Hasnon, die door zijn broer Jan gesticht was. Hij werd de 2e abt van deze abdij. Zijn feestdag is op 31 maart.
- Aldo is the male protagonist of Summon Night: Twin Age. He is one of the two playable characters in the game. He lives on an island with his summoner, Reiha. He is somewhat irresponsible.
- Aldo ist der selbst-ernannte Stadtbegrüßer in Klamath in 2241.
- Aldo and fellow crew member Royce were instructed to revive the Tharils on the privateer ship to find a replacement navigator. He died in the destruction of the ship. (TV: Warriors' Gate) File:CharStub.png
- thumb ALDO est une importante chaîne québecoise de magasins de chaussures et d'accessoires, fondée en 1972 à la scission de la partie chaussures de la chaîne Le Château. Elle compte actuellement plus de 950 enseignes, dont 25 en Alberta. La chaîne opère différents types d'enseignes suivant leur spécialisation :
* ALDO Accessories
* ALDO Kids
* ALDO Liquidation
- Aldo was a binary star with Spach in the Aldo Spachian system
- Aldo was a member of the Others. During his time with the group, Aldo was assigned as a guard at Hydra Island and was later moved to the Temple after the threat the Kahana posed was made known.
- Aldo strandete eines Tages auf der Einsiedlerinsel, nachdem er auf der Insel von seinen Schiffskameraden ausgesetzt wurde, und dachte bereits,er müsse sterben. Lazlo rette ihn jedoch und nahm ihn in seine Armee auf. Es fiel ihm zunächst schwer, sich auf der Courage zurecht zu finden, aber er versuchte, mit Ted Freundschaft zu schließen. Dieser war zunächst von der ungewohnten Situation, dass ihm Freundlichkeit entgegengebracht wurde, überrascht, fing jedoch langsam an, Aldo zu vertrauen, und er verriet ihm sogar etwas über seine Rune.
- He had once worked together with Abner, a gatekeeper of the Holy District, to collect ship parts which they delivered to Paet. However he stopped collecting the parts, believing that it was not worth it anymore to travel halfway across the Continent to collect a handful of dynes. Aldo appeared to have had a drinking problem. He told Edge, “You’d better leave this town, if you don’t want to become like me.” Aldo appeared to be self-focused, being primarily concerned with his own personal goals. He did not understand why hunters risked their lives to make a living.
- Aldo was one of "The Others" and was responsible for guarding a DHARMA Initiative Hydra Station compound where Karl was being held prisoner. While reading "A Brief History of Time", Alex arrived with Kate and Sawyer with the intent of ambushing Aldo for access into the compound. With Kate and Sawyer at gunpoint, Alex states that they escaped from their cages, and that her father, Ben, told her to bring them there. Aldo uses his radio to contact Pickett and informs him of the situation, while Pickett explains not to trust Alex, Aldo is tackled by Sawyer and informed that he fell for the "Wookiee Prisoner Gag". Alex asks where Karl is being held, however, Aldo refuses to give information on his whereabouts, until Kate threatens to shoot him in the knee. He reveals that Karl is being held in
- Aldo był dość zaznajomiony z Alex i Innymi. Stwierdził, że jej ojciec zabiłby go jeżeli Ben odkryłby, że Alex tam była. Nieumyślnie ujawnił Sawyerowi i Kate, że Ben jest ojcem Alex. Aldo siedział na ławce przed Hydrą, kiedy Alex zbliżyła się do jego z Sawyerem i Kate, którzy pozornie byli związani. Alex powiedziała mu, że złapała ich w lesie oraz, że Ben powiedział jej, aby przyprowadzić ich do niego. Aldo był zdziwiony, ale spytał się przez radio Pickett'a i poprosił o rozmowę z Benem dla potwierdzenia. Sawyer wtedy złapał go, a Kate wzięła jego karabin. Kate groziła, że postrzeli go w kolano, jeżeli nie powie im, gdzie jest Karl. Aldo powiedział im, że on był w Pokoju 23, po czym Austen wzięła jego klucz i uderzyła go w twarz rękojeścią karabinu. Aldo zemdlał, a uciekinierzy wdarli się d