| - (Peter is dashed through the halls on a gurney with injuries from the mayhem he encountered in Lower Manhattan after he entered the Wave Sink Device - and travelled to May of 2026) EMT #1: Peter Bishop. Forty-seven years old. Shrapnel wound in the abdomen. ER NURSE: BP is 110 over 70. ER DOCTOR: Start an IV. PETER: Where am I? ASTRID: Peter, you were injured in a Fringe event. You're in good hands. It's okay, I'm right here. ER DOCTOR: (to Peter) Lie back. Just relax. (to staff) He's bleeding pretty bad here. Get me some units of his reserve blood. Start transfusion now. (to Peter) Agent Bishop, please just lie still. (to staff) Get me the U.V. cauterizer. ASTRID: It's alright, Peter. You're going to be fine. (hours later, at the reception desk) ELLA: I'd like to find out how Peter Bishop is doing. ER RECEPTION: May I see your badge? ELLA: I don't have a badge... yet. I was just promoted last week. I have a temporary barcode. Can I show you that? ER RECEPTION: Sure. (scans Ella's coded wrist and reads the results from the scanner) Thank you, Agent Dunham. Agent Bishop has been in recovery for an hour now. He should be out soon. OLIVIA: (approaching the reception area) Ella. ELLA: Peter's fine, Aunt Liv. He's in recovery. (mild embarassment) I mean, uh, Agent Dunham, ma'am. OLIVIA: You can just call me Boss like everybody else. Now, how are you? ELLA: I'm fine. I remember being in my SUV. And the next thing I knew, I was on the ground and there was Vortex Shrapnel everywhere. People are saying that it's the End-of-Dayers. OLIVIA: That's what we think, yeah. We think it's Moreau. PETER: (walking out the recovery area for reception) Hey. OLIVIA: Peter. How are you feeling? PETER: (with some pain) Ah... just like new. OLIVIA: So what'd the doctor say? PETER: Doctor says I'm fine. ASTRID: No. They said to stay off his feet for a few days. OLIVIA: See? You're pushing yourself. PETER: Moreau's out there. OLIVIA: Peter, you got to stay off your feet. This is gonna be one of those times when you say, "you were right." PETER: I'm not going to say that you were right because I've got state-of-the-art science on my side. (cheerful. cups her check) I feel fine, Hon. ELLA: Do you remember what you were saying in the field about the machine and being from the past? PETER: (to Ella) Well, I didn't say I didn't get my bell rung, but I'm doing better now. (to Olivia) Two eggs over-easy, bacon, and grapefruit juice. That's what I made you for breakfast on Sunday. ASTRID: Hey, guys. Look. (everyone turns to the large television monitor in the waiting area. response forces dash through the smoke and chaos on the streets of Lower Manhattan) OLIVIA: (shares what she already knew) There's a Stage Three tear. We've initiated Amber Protocol. (the image of the terrorist claiming responsibilty for Fringe event appears on the screen)