| - This what happened to me today, and it includes my friend Carson. Some parts about the teachers are made up, to make the story more interesting. Hope you like it. P.S, Carson, if your reading this, don't laugh at me for what Dovepaw says! - Penny Me: *takes out kindle during math test* Me: alright, Dovepaw! What did you want! I'm taking a math test! Dovepaw: oh. Nothing, I was just bored. Oh, and firestar graystripe lionblaze jayfeather and hollyleaf are coming Me: dang it Dovepaw!
* other cats join* Me: listen, you guys need to leave. I'm taking a math test! Carson: who are you talking to?
| - This what happened to me today, and it includes my friend Carson. Some parts about the teachers are made up, to make the story more interesting. Hope you like it. P.S, Carson, if your reading this, don't laugh at me for what Dovepaw says! - Penny Me: *takes out kindle during math test* Me: alright, Dovepaw! What did you want! I'm taking a math test! Dovepaw: oh. Nothing, I was just bored. Oh, and firestar graystripe lionblaze jayfeather and hollyleaf are coming Me: dang it Dovepaw!
* other cats join* Me: listen, you guys need to leave. I'm taking a math test! Carson: who are you talking to? Me: oh, no one! Hehe, no cat! I mean, nobody! Carson: okay?... Me: *turns back to kindle* get out of here, Dovepaw!! Dovepaw: hey, Carson! Penny wears pink pj's with a raccoon on them, and sleeps with a Peep's plushie and stuffed animals at night! Me: DOVEPAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Carson: you do? Who said that?! Me: Dovepaw said that! Me: *claps hand over mouth*
* everyone stares* Me: *turns back to kindle* Me: seriously, guys, leave. Jayfeather: actually, we have something to say to you Graystripe: yeah, we do. Firestar: on 3...2...1 All cats: 🎵 happy birthday to you, Here's a mouse and a shrew! We don't care about your birthday When we make dirt we poo!🎵 Me: that was terrible. And you don't wanna see my teacher when she's mad. Firestar: yeah, well your other teacher is kind kind of cute. Graystripe: yeah, and we're her age in cat years. Me: my teacher's a twoleg. Graystripe and firestar: AHHHHHHH! * runs away * Hollyleaf: oh wow, your teacher is mad. Me: *looks behind me* Teacher: Penny, now is not the time to be skyping your cats!! Turn that off!!!!!!!! Me: see what you did?! Dovepaw: yeah yeah, who cares Lionblaze: well, I'm hungry! Jayfeather: yeah! Dovepaw: well, I hope they serve bird seed Me: why bird seed? Dovepaw: My NAME! Me: nope, still don't get it. Dovepaw: that's because you're stupid Teacher: and that's why I'm giving you an F!!!! Me: can't I raise my math average back to an A again?!!!!! Teacher: only if you shut your cats up Cats: BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH! Me: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😲😱 Tell me if you loved it or hated it in the comments! And please shut Dovepaw up, while you're at it - Penny a.k.a, Cocopaw101