| - "Ad Republica Gloriam" (Old Latin: "Glory to the Republic") is the national anthem of the Allied Republic of Terran Worlds, with lyrics written in 2540 by Michael Laberin Salvadora. Salvadora, an amateur regolith singer and itinerant hydroponics worker who joined the Way to the Dawn in the early years of the Second Unification conflict, wrote the lyrics without accompaniment while watching the Battle of San Francisco from his scemfac tent during the war. He initially entitled the lyrics "Futura Libertas", and intended it to be sung to the tune of "The Internationale"; however, displeased with the sound, Salvadora instead composed his own accompaniment, partly based on the Gimn Sovetskogo Soyuza. The song became a well-known PSA patriotic song, and there are records of Alliance prisoners singing it in defiance of their Coalition jailors. Following the War, the newly formed Republic organized a committee to determine the new nation's anthem, and the song, with slightly revised title and lyrics, was adopted almost immediately. With a range of one octave, the Anglic version is considered moderately difficult for Humans or Neohumans. Conversely, however, the Nhysic version is considered quite easy by vocalizing xenosapients. It was recognized for official use in 2552 by the Systems Guard and the President, and ratified unanimously as the national anthem by both the Assembly and the Parliament on 26 March (03), 2555 A.D. The song actually possesses six stanzas ("Futura Libertas" had eight), but only the first two and the chorus are commonly sung today.