| - Crewman (also known as ables'man or able crewman) is an enlisted naval rate, a type of military rank used by the service organizations of different cultures. This title is the lowest enlisted rank, subordinate to a petty officer. In comparison to infantry ranking systems, this rank is approximately equivalent to the grade of private. In Klingonese, this rank is referred to as bekk. In Starfleet, a "crewman" can refer to either a person who holds the actual rank or simply any person who is assigned to an organization or starship. The grade of crewman may further be divided into several "classes", such as "crewman first class", "crewman second class", etc. (TOS: „The Man Trap”) Civilian merchant ships also used the rank of "able crewman." After his less-than-impressive dealings with the Nausicaans in 2151, First officer Matthew Ryan of the freighter was demoted to able crewman in order to have to earn back Captain Keene's trust. (ENT: „Fortunate Son”) Crewman first class
* In 2367, Simon Tarses identified himself as a crewman, first class. (TNG: „The Drumhead”) Crewman second class
* In 2151, Commander Trip Tucker threatened to demote Lieutenant Malcolm Reed to the rank of crewman, second class. (ENT: „Shuttlepod One”) Crewman third class
* Although this rank has never been mentioned, three grades of crewman insignia were in use in the Earth Starfleet. This lowest grade was never mentioned by name, but the insignia was worn by Daniels, Cunningham, and others.