| - After running the program for most of the day, Anakin had finally been able to locate Shinai and set out to find him, keeping in contact with Artoo and Threepio via comlink in case Shinai moved. As much as he hated it, he still needed Threepio to translate what Artoo said as it was the astromech droid that was running the program. The search to Anakin back to the Uscru District, the lower end, near The Seventh Star and several other establishments of a rather disreputable character. But that was as specific as Artoo could get, unlike Obi-Wan’s comlink Shinai’s was somewhat harder to trace. With a sigh, Anakin went in to one of the many clubs and bars along Vos Gesal Street. The Zabrak was to meet him at Luba Luft’s, a place where lithe females of many colours and species flitted amongst and on tables to distract the customers long enough to make them part with credits. Shinai took a table near the front and ordered a drink, ignoring what was going on around him. Sometimes there were advantages to not having eyes. Within an hour he spied the Zabrak approaching him. “My employer is very pleased with your services,” the Zabrak said as the music reached a deafening level. Shinai smiled quietly. “I do my job and get paid,” he replied, tossing back his drink. “He’s asked me to approach you with another proposal. The Zabrak slid a datapad across the table with the instructions. Quickly Shinai scanned through what was there, he then looked up at the Zabrak. “This is going to be more,” he told him. “This place is locked up tighter than a Hutt’s bank account.” “My employer understands that,” the Zabrak reassured. “But he wants to know now if you’ll take it, this is rather urgent.” “Why such short notice?” Shinai asked. “This guy’s going to be around for a while, and they may get to him before I do.” The Zabrak did not answer. Shinai summoned the droid waiter to order another drink, he needed time to think this over. When the waiter returned with his drink Shinai had made up his mind. “I’ll take it,” Shinai said, sipping his drink, “but only because I need the money, I have expenses.” The Zabrak chose not to comment on this. He handed a datacard to Shinai. “Everything’s on there including how much you’ll be paid.” He got to his feet. “You will not see me again.” Shinai went through the data again, slowly this time. This was not going to be easy, not like last time when there was virtually no security system as it had been in the middle of the day. Yet he knew he could do it. He had the Force. Anakin was emerging back onto the street when a tremor in the Force made him look around. He scanned the crowd until his gaze settled on a black-haired humanoid figure walking away from him. Within a moment Anakin was after him, always keeping a reasonable distance between Shinai and himself. While he had done surveillance before, prior to, during and after the war, Anakin knew that this was very different. Shinai had been a Jedi, so it was safe to assume that he still had a Jedi’s instincts. Shinai even showed signs that he suspected he was being followed, quickening and slackening his pace, stopping every now and again and ‘going complete’ a few times. It was when Shinai entered a crowded club that Anakin lost him. Enraged, he probed the Force for Shinai’s presence. This was what Shinai had wanted. Suddenly Shinai appeared at his elbow, his hand firmly over Anakin shoulder. “Outside, Skywalker,” Shinai whispered. “Now!” He forced the Jedi outside and pushed him against a wall. For a moment Shinai did not say anything, he was seething with rage. “Why all this?” he asked at last. “Why were you following me?” Anakin was not the least intimidated. “Senator Stokra,” he said simply. Shinai didn’t flinch at the name. “What I do is none of your business.” But this was clearly the wrong thing to say. “What you do is my business when they blame me for what you did!” Anakin nearly shouted. Shinai shrugged. “I’m not responsible for that.” “Yes, you are,” Anakin argued. “By taking that job you would have known what would have happened.” Shinai gave a dry laugh. “Like I care.” “You do care,” Anakin snapped, “you knew just how you would do the most damage to the Jedi.” The Miralukan took a step forward. “Listen, Skywalker,” he murmured, “I left the Jedi five years ago for reasons you’re never going to understand. Your friend Padmé gave me an excuse so everyone would think I was dead.” “What about Adi Gallia?” Anakin asked. “She’s made the same mistake you’re making,” Shinai told him. “Calling me to account before the Council, setting me up as a traitor and a dark sider.” “This isn’t about that,” Anakin insisted. “If you don’t want to be a Jedi, then that’s your choice. All I’m doing is clearing my own name.” “Well, you’ll have to do that without me,” Shinai spat, starting to walk away. “And do yourself a favour, Skywalker, stop trying to find me.” “If only it was that easy,” Anakin said to himself as Shinai walked away.