John D. Dixon ist ein Stuntmen, Stuntdarsteller und Stuntkoordinator. In der [[]]-Episode doubelte er den Schauspieler Tim Kelleher in dessen Rolle als Pell. Sein Kostüm wurde bei der It's a Wrap!-Auktion auf Ebay versteigert. Dixon wuchs in Gilroy in Kalifornien auf. Seine ersten Auftritte absolvierte er in der Show "Midevil Times". Heute lebt er in Los Angeles. Er ist verheiratet und hat einen Sohn. Zu den von Dixon gedoubelten Schauspielen zählen Chris Ellis, Jon Lovitz und Steve Martin.
John Dixon made his first appearance on 23 January 2017. He is portrayed by Kieron Jecchinis.
John Dixon was a Time Lord outcast who traveled to Gielinor. While there he embroiled himself with the Dracomancers and made friends with The Assassin.
__NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none John Dixon Real Name Unknown First publication Unknown
John Dixon is a stunt performer that has appeared both in 24 and 24: Legacy.
* In Day 5: 3:00pm-4:00pm, he played a Dawn Brigade gunman that came to kill James Nathanson, but Nathanson shot him and took his gun.
* In Day 6: 5:00pm-6:00pm, he played a guard at the Russian consulate, who along with Stovich and Vasili stood outside the door where Jack Bauer was torturing Anatoly Markov. When the door was blown in, Dixon's character was the first into the room and stamped on Jack's chest to immobilize him.
* In Day 10: 3:00pm-4:00pm, he played a CTU paramedic.