| - After strange occurrences in the middle of Antwerp, the team finds evidence that their recent ally, Merces, is none of the sort - she is, in fact, a Nephandic double agent, using both the agents and the Orphic Circle for her masters' nefarious ends. Supervisor Levi, who foresaw the betrayal, was working behind the scenes to use Merces for information and to contain her. Now, however, it was time to deal with her. Working in a nearby Technocratic lab, Merces was able to be contained as the lab was sealed of, but the team had to go in and deal with her in person.
| - After strange occurrences in the middle of Antwerp, the team finds evidence that their recent ally, Merces, is none of the sort - she is, in fact, a Nephandic double agent, using both the agents and the Orphic Circle for her masters' nefarious ends. Supervisor Levi, who foresaw the betrayal, was working behind the scenes to use Merces for information and to contain her. Now, however, it was time to deal with her. Working in a nearby Technocratic lab, Merces was able to be contained as the lab was sealed of, but the team had to go in and deal with her in person. While the containment was successful, the task proved dangerous, as Merces was joined in the facility by powerful extra-dimensional entities. Defeating them in part by compromising the structure's integrity, Merces herself proved far easier to capture. The team was obstructed by Bishop and helped by allied Colin Feynman, who in a selfless act to safe others was cured of his deviancy. Bringing her back to the construct, the question of what to do with her arose. Still a Nephandic mage, she would pose a great risk even with precautions. To pre-empt that, Levi took the step to burn out the Enlightened part of her mind, rendering her an ordinary part of the masses. An interrogation then followed.