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- Ice Cream is an ice cream parlor at the Towne Centre.
- It can only be eaten when the thermometer was at the "Inferno" status, up to three times a day. Attempting to eat more than 3 ice creams gives the message: BRAIN FREEZE! You can only cool yourself down 3 times a day. The cooldown message was not filtered by the game filter, but the message informing you how many more ice creams you can eat is. Attempting to consume one after the event ended provides the message: This item no longer works as the power of the beach has expired. Eating ten ice creams unlocks the title "the Chilled".
- Ice Creams are a type of food that come in a lot of variations that is similar to Crepes, Pancakes, Puddings, and Omelettes. It also happens to be the 2nd largest amount of different items per variated food items which is behind Cakes. The many different kinds are listed below:
- Ice Cream is an edible item introduced in Animal Crossing: New Leaf. The player can eat ice cream by pressing the Ⓐ button while holding it. Ice cream is only obtained once the player has met with another player via StreetPass in the Happy Home Showcase eight times.
- Ice cream is a popular type of food on Earth. It has differing effects on Valuxians. For Brians it makes him grow moose antlers, while for Sophie, who had trouble with morphin this was the only way she could morph. her 1st Morph was into a Bunny and Then into Mel Barker in Crazy for you Brian's 1st morph went into a famous sports star
- Ice Cream is a type of food in Club Penguin. Although it is not officially served by the Pizza Parlor, it can be served by players while dancing with the Ice Cream Apron or the Ice Cream Vendor. Ice cream stands have also appeared in parties.
- Ice creams are settlement objects in the Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World.
- A prize for fancy pants gived to him in world 2 witch he's Fancy Golfball skills.
- Ice Cream ( "Helado" por su traducción al español) fue un nivel creado por el jugador Cyclic. El nivel tenía su fama por su gran dificultad a la hora de jugarlo y este consiste, básicamente en objetos aleatorios, pero donde el jugador no solo puede confundirse al tratar de pasar el nivel, sino que también deben usarse habilidades como la memoria o los reflejos.
- A consumable item you may get at the beach.
- Based on: Ice cream
- Ice Cream gives +25 hunger when fed to a pet.
- Early forms of ice cream date back to 400 BCE in Persia and other early civilizations like China, Greece and Rome. The first true ice cream appeared in the late 17th and early 18th centuries CE in the Old Earth nations of France and England. The most popular flavors were vanilla and chocolate. Alternative names and variants included Gelato, Sorbet, Frozen Yogurt and Frozen Custard.
- Ice cream was a type of food which could be made from milk, including the blue milk of banthas. The moon Fex looked like a soft, plum scoop of ice cream.
- Pon tu comentario para subir 5 niveles a Ice Cream
- It's generally made of cream, sugar and flavors churned or stirred while chilled to a freezing temperature. Other common ingredients include fruits, nuts, sweets like carmel, and thickeners like eggs. It's also popular to put these ingredients on top as well as sauces -- like hot fudge, berry sauce, carmel or candy sprinkles.
- Ice Cream was the Alaskan's favorite dessert. Its ingredients were Ice and Shaving Cream. File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet.
- Naija can eat Ice Cream, but it will not heal her nor provide any bonus. Only a voice clip plays, suggesting Naija enjoys eating it. Mainly functions as an ingredient. This recipe is found in the Ice Cavern.
- Ice cream is often called many things such as love potion, Wednesday juice and chicken bucks, though really it's just a substance stoopid people think gives them brain power and wonder sex.
- Ice cream that cools you down and provides energy. Recovers a considerable amount of HP.
- Ice cream is a frozen dessert sold in tropical areas of the Fire Nation, such as the beaches on Ember Island. It contains milk and flavoring and is served in a waffle cone to prevent it from dripping.
- This recipe can be attained in the “Melancholy of Aurora" quest (Chilly Outland).
- The ice cream will appear near the stove in the house. The Ice Cream COBs have the following results to the norn eating it:
* Need for Pleasure: -100
* Hunger: -80
* Hotness: -120
* Glucose: +120
- アイスクリームは、人間によって消費される。作中ではスパルタンIIの1日目の夕食のデザートとして提供されている。
- Ice Cream is a squishy, creamy material that dinosaurs eat.
- Ice Cream is a dormant flag on the Ice Ocean originally created by Crazee and Tonyanator. The first crew was Impending Insanity, the Ice branch of Crazee's crew on Sage. Image:Flag.png Arr! This article about a flag in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
- Ice cream is a prize given by the mayor in fancy pants world 2
- Rounds:2,5,10,24,56,67,69, (upgrade ice cream)70,85,150,270,450,(upgrade ice cream)750,1000, 1300
* Important-Ice creams do not come after Round 1301.
- Ice Cream was a kind of food that one day a penguin found in a box with the label "Ice cream" and the penguin tasted it and loved it. Now ice cream is a very popular food.
- Ice cream is a common food in SmallWorlds and can be bought at Scoops or from the catalogue. When eaten, they each give +5 Health and +5 Speed
- Ice Cream is a delicious, All-American treat Recent studies have shown that it is good for fertility levels in some women. On the March 5, 2007 edition of The Colbert ReportEpisode #222 Stephen made ice cream even better, unveiling the new Ben & Jerry's flavor Stephen Colbert's Americone Dream, just in time for the sunny days of Summer '07. Fortified with Our Glorious Stephen's own special ingredient, it's sure to be the best ice cream ever.
- Deliciously frosty ice cream that can cause brain freeze if you eat too much too quickly.
- This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing)
- Ice cream is a frozen dessert, usually made out of dairy products. There existed, basically, two kinds of ice cream, each with different flavors: soft ice cream and hard ice cream. (TOS: "And The Children Shall Lead") One of the kinds of chocolate Timothy Sinclair did not like was a form of chocolate ice cream. (Star Trek: Pendragon) Joseph Akinola preferred cherry vanilla ice cream. (Star Trek: Tales of the USS Bluefin) Gaerys Lem's favorite flavor of ice cream was hairy chicken and purple tadpole was her least favorite flavor of ice cream. (Starship Independence: "Shakedown Cruise")
- Ice cream is a Class A Narcotic and a form of explosive. The stuff was developed in 1812 by European Scientist, and Astronaut, Dr. James Scholls. The ancient Chinese hailed ice cream as a magical cure for hemorrhoids. They believed the more ice cream you ate, the better chance you have at conceiving a child. Many ancient rock paintings and sculptures depict nude women sitting on a boulder couch with a stone tub of ice cream crying. Modern medicine has discredited this tradition and informed the general public that it is society's fault for making women fat, disgusting and depressed as they age, rather than the common misconception of any possible link to unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle. Some scientists believe that ice cream may in fact be the cure for cancer. Although no trials hav
- __NOWYSIWYG__ The Ice Cream is a consumable on FarmVille. Players needed to collect these item by harvesting the Candy Castle, for redeeming ice cream prize from the Candy Castle, as part of the Candy Event (2012). The farmer can harvest the Candy Castle for Ice Creams, which can be traded in for exclusive Ice Cream-themed items. Items can be acquired either by:
- When Captain James T. Kirk was introduced to the Joy Machine he dreamed about the first time he had tried various foods including his first bite of apple pie covered with ice cream and his first taste of a hot fudge sundae. (TOS novel: The Joy Machine) Vanilla ice cream was served at a formal state dinner on the Paragon Colony. (TOS novel: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 1) Corazon Kohwangko enjoyed eating large ice cream sundaes with lots of chocolate. (TOS comic: "So Near the Touch")
- Ice cream was a type of food. When she was a child, Jo Grant's grandfather often bought her ice cream behind her parents' backs. He always used to say, "What's the harm? Life's too short." (AUDIO: The Mists of Time) At the age of three, Tegan Jovanka did not like ice cream. (TV: Kinda) Amy Pond's saddest memory was of dropping an ice cream at a fairground in 1994. An older version of Amy in a nightgown gave her another and told her to cheer up. (TV: Good Night) Rhys Williams had ice cream shortly after leaving the Torchwood Hub, where he was patched up by Owen Harper. (TV: Meat) File:FoodStub.png
- Ice cream is a frozen dessert usually made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavors. Most varieties contain sugar, although some are made with other sweeteners. In some cases, artificial flavorings and colorings are used in addition to (or in replacement of) the natural ingredients. This mixture is stirred slowly while cooling to prevent large ice crystals from forming; the result is a smoothly textured ice cream.
- Ice Creams are a type of consumable item in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix that function similarly to the Aura spell in the Final Fantasy series, in that they manually place the character into a set Command Style. However, using an Ice Cream will not always cause the character to switch to the desired Command Style—15% of the time, it will instead activate the special Frozen Fortune Command Style, which can only be activated through this method, and if the player is already using a Command Style, there is a separate 15% chance of activating the current style's Finish Command.
- Ice Cream frequently appears in BnG, it is beloved by Mega Man, Chadling, and George and not really Bass. Hating/defiling ice cream is cause for BnG's equivalent of excommunication. Chadling turned on Mynd for the love of ice cream. George also used this as his halloween costume. Mega Man X, because Dr. Light wanted him not to be able to become friends with any of the other cast members because he disliked them, programmed the super advanced robot with a dislike of ice cream. It has also been revealed by Ran on May 12, 2005 [1] that many of Dr. Light's robots have generators that turn ice cream to booze, as he is said to have installed them in them. Also of interest is George's own revelation that he needs ice cream because it provides the energy to fuel his electrical abilities, though he
- It was one of the items sold at Pops Candy Store in 1893 San Francisco. (TNG: "Time's Arrow, Part II" ) The chef made homemade ice cream for dessert aboard Enterprise NX-01 in 2151. (ENT: "Fortunate Son") In 2153, Charles "Trip" Tucker shared an ice cream sundae with Traistana and Veylo, including the Human tradition of eating the cherry first. (ENT: "Cogenitor") An ice cream cart was seen by James Kirk, Spock, and Leonard McCoy on the planet Sigma Iotia II in 2268. The Iotians based their culture on 1920s Earth gangster culture. (TOS: "A Piece of the Action" )
- Ice cream is a frozen dessert usually made from dairy products, such as milk and cream and often combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavors. Most varieties contain sugar, although some are made with other sweeteners. Machello and Fred had ice cream sundaes at a diner. (SG1: "Holiday") Colonel Jack O'Neill offered Loran ice cream but he didn't know what it was. (SG1: "The Light") When Thor beamed the continents of the Stargate Command mess hall, Jonas Quinn, Teal'c and O'Neill ate the ice cream first as it was melting without any sort of refridgeration. (SG1: "Unnatural Selection")
- Ice Cream is a sweetened frozen food typically eaten as a snack or dessert. It is usually made from dairy products, such as milk and cream, and often combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavours. It can be found in Spyro: Shadow Legacy. Trina the Fairy claimed that Zoe was angry and that the other fairies wanted to make it up to her and give her her favourite ice cream from the store, but that the bears won't accept credit and fairies don't carry cash. She tasked Spyro with buying it, but told him he had to hurry back because that kind of ice cream melted fast.
- Ice cream is a very popular foodstuff on Sesame Street. Ernie, Prairie Dawn, Count von Count, Mr. Hooper and many others have sold ice cream, and it's hard to find a character on Sesame Street that hasn't eaten or at least mentioned it.