Distance Fighting is the skill of using Distance Weapons. The Tibian with the highest Distance skill is Diigoo from Danera with 135 (this information might be outdated).
Distance Fighting is the skill of using Distance Weapons. The Tibian with the highest Distance skill is Diigoo from Danera with 135 (this information might be outdated).
__TOC__ Distance Fighting is the skill of using Distance Weapons. The Tibian with the highest Distance skill is Diigoo from Danera with 131.
__TOC__ Distance Fighting is the skill of using Distance Weapons. The Tibians with the highest Distance skill are Bones Jackson from DarkOTS and Yobachi from RealOTS with 123.
Distance Fighting is the skill of using Distance Weapons. The Tibian with the highest Distance skill is Diigoo from Danera with 135 (this information might be outdated).
__TOC__ Distance Fighting is the skill of using Distance Weapons. The Tibian with the highest Distance skill is Diigoo from Danera with 131.
__TOC__ Distance Fighting is the skill of using Distance Weapons. The Tibians with the highest Distance skill are Bones Jackson from DarkOTS and Yobachi from RealOTS with 123.