Domesticated sehlats, which were only slightly smaller than wild sehlats, were a popular pet with Vulcan children. Sehlats, however, were very aggressive, so Vulcan children learned early never to be late with their dinner.
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| - Domesticated sehlats, which were only slightly smaller than wild sehlats, were a popular pet with Vulcan children. Sehlats, however, were very aggressive, so Vulcan children learned early never to be late with their dinner.
- Der Sehlat ist ein auf dem Planeten Vulkan beheimatetes Tier. Es ähnelt sehr dem irdischen Bär mit zwei 10 cm großen Stoßzähnen, ähnlich einem Säbelzahntiger. (TOS: ) Obwohl eigentlich wildlebend, sind Sehlats bei den vulkanischen Kindern und Jugendlichen beliebte Haustiere. Die gezähmten Tiere sind etwas kleiner, aber immer noch gefährlich, weswegen vulkanische Kinder nie den Napf ihres Sehlats leer stehen lassen. Einige Vulkanier haben gelernt die Laute eines Sehlats nachzuahmen. Dem Syrrannit Arev gelingt es so, einen Sehlat vom Angriff auf Archer und T'Pol abzulenken. (ENT: )
- I sehlat domestici, in genere leggermente più piccoli dei sehlat selvatici, erano molto diffusi come animali domestici tra i bambini vulcaniani. I sehlat, comunque, sono molto aggressivi, quindi i bambini vulcaniani imparano subito a non tardare mai con i loro pasti. T'Pol, da piccola, aveva un sehlat come animale domestico. (ENT: "La Fornace") T'Pau era in grado di imitare il verso di un sehlat, e grazie a questa abilità riuscì a condurre Talok e due soldati vulcaniani verso le scariche elettriche di un deposito di gallicite. (ENT: "Il Kir'Shara")
- Sehlats are a species of non-sapient mammalianoid predators native to planet Vulcan. They are bear-like in appearance and have six inch long fangs similar to those of a saber-toothed tiger. Their bodies are covered in grayish brown fur. They walk on four paws with long claws on each toe and have a short tail similar to that of a lion.
- A sehlat was a type of animal native to Vulcan and appeared as a large bear-like creature. They were noted for their six-inch fangs and fur that covered their bodies. They did not like to climb and preferred to remain close to the ground, which provided a way for travelers to escape such animals. Captain Jonathan Archer and Commander T'Pol used such an option to escape a wild sehlat in 2154. In the deserts, a type of sehlat known as a vai-sehlat was known to lay dormant in caves until something disturbed its sleep. (TOS - Vulcan's Soul novel: Exodus)
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| - Evolved on rainforests, also inhabit deserts
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| - Makes several loud vocalizations
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| - Similar to a small bear or a large dog
| - Smaller, domesticated variety
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| - I sehlat domestici, in genere leggermente più piccoli dei sehlat selvatici, erano molto diffusi come animali domestici tra i bambini vulcaniani. I sehlat, comunque, sono molto aggressivi, quindi i bambini vulcaniani imparano subito a non tardare mai con i loro pasti. T'Pol, da piccola, aveva un sehlat come animale domestico. (ENT: "La Fornace") T'Pau era in grado di imitare il verso di un sehlat, e grazie a questa abilità riuscì a condurre Talok e due soldati vulcaniani verso le scariche elettriche di un deposito di gallicite. (ENT: "Il Kir'Shara") Spock, da bambino, aveva un sehlat domestico chiamato I-Chaya, che originariamente apparteneva a suo padre, Sarek. I-Chaya muore nel 2239, in seguito alle ferite riportate quando viene aggredito da un le-matya. Spock decide di sopprimere il suo animale per evitargli ulteriori sofferenze. (TOS: "Viaggio a Babel"; TAS: "Viaggio a ritroso nel tempo")
- A sehlat was a type of animal native to Vulcan and appeared as a large bear-like creature. They were noted for their six-inch fangs and fur that covered their bodies. They did not like to climb and preferred to remain close to the ground, which provided a way for travelers to escape such animals. Captain Jonathan Archer and Commander T'Pol used such an option to escape a wild sehlat in 2154. Despite their appearances, sehlats were known to be domesticated by Vulcans. (TOS episode: "Journey to Babel") These domesticated versions of the animals were far smaller than the wild sehlats that prowled the harsh deserts of their homeworld. Vulcan children were never late with their pet sehlat's meal due to the aggressive nature of the animals. (ENT episode: "The Forge") In the deserts, a type of sehlat known as a vai-sehlat was known to lay dormant in caves until something disturbed its sleep. (TOS - Vulcan's Soul novel: Exodus) Vai-sehlat may be a term to describe wild sehlats. During TOS, the word was pronounced "sell it." By ENT, it was "say lot." Sarek had a pet sehlat named I-Chaya that later passed in ownership to Spock. I-Chaya was killed in 2237 after sustaining injuries from a Le-matya. Spock chose to euthanize I-Chaya in order to end his pet's suffering. (TAS episode: "Yesteryear") In 2254, the Vulcan Sutek of the Last-of-all-Cities colony compared the rest of Vulcan culture to a "lap sehlat," losing their true Vulcan passion and falling into step with what he considered the flaccid Human race. (EV comic: "Cloak and Dagger") Tuvok's family had a pet sehlat named Wari. (TLE novel: The Sundered) By the early 24th century, sehlats had spread beyond Vulcan. On planet Vendrak IV, a young girl named Arava found a stray sehlat and took it in as a pet, to the dismay of her guardian, Dalal. (TLE novel: Well of Souls) In 2364, when Data was reactivated after being tampered with by the Tigans, he unexpectedly asked, "Did anyone get the name of that sehlat?" (TNG comic: "History Lesson") In 2369, Odo transformed into a sehlat to subdue the Klingon prisoner Mard. The sehlat was known to be able to resist the effects of disruptor fire. (DS9 comic: "Hostage Situation") According to Sonek Pran in 2381, sehlats who could speak are very rare. However, this was not as rare as it was to find a sehlat that could speak Old High Bajoran. (ST novel: A Singular Destiny)
- Der Sehlat ist ein auf dem Planeten Vulkan beheimatetes Tier. Es ähnelt sehr dem irdischen Bär mit zwei 10 cm großen Stoßzähnen, ähnlich einem Säbelzahntiger. (TOS: ) Obwohl eigentlich wildlebend, sind Sehlats bei den vulkanischen Kindern und Jugendlichen beliebte Haustiere. Die gezähmten Tiere sind etwas kleiner, aber immer noch gefährlich, weswegen vulkanische Kinder nie den Napf ihres Sehlats leer stehen lassen. Einige Vulkanier haben gelernt die Laute eines Sehlats nachzuahmen. Dem Syrrannit Arev gelingt es so, einen Sehlat vom Angriff auf Archer und T'Pol abzulenken. (ENT: ) Sowohl Spock als auch T'Pol haben in ihrer Jugend einen Sehlat. Da diese eine lange Lebensdauer haben, sind sie oft die Haustiere mehrerer Generationen einer Familie, Spocks Sehlat I-Chaya ist auch schon das Haustier seines Vaters Sarek gewesen. (TAS: )
- Domesticated sehlats, which were only slightly smaller than wild sehlats, were a popular pet with Vulcan children. Sehlats, however, were very aggressive, so Vulcan children learned early never to be late with their dinner.
- Sehlats are a species of non-sapient mammalianoid predators native to planet Vulcan. They are bear-like in appearance and have six inch long fangs similar to those of a saber-toothed tiger. Their bodies are covered in grayish brown fur. They walk on four paws with long claws on each toe and have a short tail similar to that of a lion. Despite being originally native to the scarce rainforests of Vulcan's southern hemisphere, Sehlats are not suited for climbing and prefer to remain close to the ground. Smaller Sehlat breeds are commonly kept as pets by Vulcans. As a child, Mr. Spock had a pet Sehlat called I-Chaya.
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