Allegiances, as presented in the opening pages of Forest of Secrets. Characters that were excluded from an Allegiances list, but appeared in the book, will be listed following the formal allegiances list.
Attributes | Values |
| - Forest of Secrets/Allegiances
| - Allegiances, as presented in the opening pages of Forest of Secrets. Characters that were excluded from an Allegiances list, but appeared in the book, will be listed following the formal allegiances list.
| - Nightstar-old black tom.
- Tallstar-black-and-white tom with a very long tail.
- Bluestar-blue-gray she-cat, tinged with silver around her muzzle.
- Crookedstar-huge light-colored tabby with a twisted jaw.
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| - Brownpaw-N/A*Oakpaw-N/A*
- Swiftpaw-black-and-white tom.Brackenpaw-golden brown tabby tom.Cloudpaw-long-haired white tom.Brightpaw-she-cat, white with ginger splotches.Thornpaw-golden brown tabby tom.
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| - None
- Halftail-big dark brown tabby tom with part of his tail missing.Smallear-gray tom with very small ears; the oldest tom in ThunderClan.Patchpelt-small black-and-white tom.One-eye-pale gray she-cat; the oldest she-cat in ThunderClan; virtually blind and deaf.Dappletail-once-pretty tortoiseshell she-cat with a lovely dappled coat.Brokentail-long-haired dark brown tabby; blind; formerly ShadowClan leader.
- Graypool-thin gray she-cat with patchy fur and a scarred muzzle.
| - Frostfur-beautiful white coat and blue eyes.Brindleface-pretty tabby.Goldenflower-pale ginger coat.Speckletail-pale tabby, and the oldest nursery queen.
- Mistyfoot-dark gray she-cat.
- Dawncloud-small tabby.Darkflower-black she-cat.Tallpoppy-long-legged light brown tabby she-cat.
- Ashfoot-gray she-cat.Morningflower-tortoiseshell she-cat.
| - Cinderfur-thin gray tom.
- Deadfoot-black tom with a twisted paw.
- Leopardfur-unusually spotted golden tabby she-cat.
- Tigerclaw-big dark brown tabby tom with unusually long front claws.
| - Barkface-short-tailed brown tom.
- Yellowfang-old dark gray she-cat with a broad, flattened face, formerly of ShadowClan.Apprentice, Cinderpelt-dark gray she-cat.
- Mudfur-long-haired light brown tom.
- Runningnose-small gray-and-white tom.
| - Stumpytail-brown tabby tom.Apprentice, Brownpaw'Wetfoot-gray tabby tom.Apprentice, Oakpaw'Littlecloud-very small tabby tom.
- Blackclaw-smoky black tom.Apprentice, Heavypaw'Stonefur-gray tom with battle-scarred ears.Apprentice, Shadepaw'Loudbelly-dark brown tom.Apprentice, SilverpawSilverstream-pretty silver tabby.
- Mudclaw-mottled dark brown tom.Apprentice, Webpaw'Tornear-tabby tom.Apprentice, Runningpaw'Onewhisker-young brown tabby tom.Apprentice, Whitepaw
- Whitestorm-big white tom.Apprentice, Brightpaw'Darkstripe-sleek black-and-gray tabby tom.Longtail-pale tabby tom with dark black stripes.Apprentice, Swiftpaw'Runningwind-swift tabby tom.Willowpelt-very pale gray she-cat with unusual blue eyes.Mousefur-small dusky brown she-cat.Apprentice, Thornpaw'Fireheart-handsome ginger tom.Apprentice, Cloudpaw'Graystripe-long-haired solid gray tom.Apprentice, BrackenpawDustpelt-dark brown tabby tom.Sandstorm-pale ginger she-cat.
| - Allegiances, as presented in the opening pages of Forest of Secrets. Characters that were excluded from an Allegiances list, but appeared in the book, will be listed following the formal allegiances list.