Clovis II (Labwese: Hlodveku II, Latin: Chlodovechus II) was the seventh king of Keltsvia and descendant of Urseku. His nickname was "The Young". He was also the King who had the longest reign of the Kingdom of Keltsvia.
Clovis II (Labwese: Hlodveku II, Latin: Chlodovechus II) was the seventh king of Keltsvia and descendant of Urseku. His nickname was "The Young". He was also the King who had the longest reign of the Kingdom of Keltsvia.
Clovis II (Labwese: Hlodveku II, Latin: Chlodovechus II) was the seventh king of Keltsvia and descendant of Urseku. His nickname was "The Young". He was also the King who had the longest reign of the Kingdom of Keltsvia.