| - Chris appears to be blessed with tremendous, superhuman strength, as he has shown to clearly be able to punch and kick his way through things such as bedrock, buildings, large trees, and even through ships. It was explained that ever since he was young, after the loss of his parents at the hands of the king, Majestic T. Decaden, on the island kingdom of Aspara, Chris obsessively trained his body nonstop, so that one day he'd be strong enough to avenge his loss. Therefore, when he became a bit older, Chris had already reached a ludicrous degree of strength, speed, and resilience that surpasses most other people. However, as it was shown later on, the military might that Decaden possessed was something Chris overlooked, which effectively shut down his plan on attacking the king. Even with his Devil Fruit, which he had eaten for this exact occassion, Chris was outnumbered and overpowered. Nonetheless, after receiving some much needed aid in dethroning Decaden, Chris would later go out to sea and put his strength to its true test. Chris' strength seems rather massive to some degree, as he has been shown capable of punching out large Sea Kings with one hit, and even lifting cannons and cannonballs alike bare-handed. Chris' strength was truly at its best when he ended up fighting his future cook, Hanuman, who had the strength to rival that of a fishman, and when he fought Vice Admiral Tombstone Grim, who was able to use the Rokushiki technique, Tekkai. Even when up against Grim's Tekkai, Chris managed to at least push the Vice Admiral back by a good foot or two. When fighting the pirate known as No Beard, who had temporarily robbed Chris of his Devil Fruit powers, Chris still managed to put up a decent fight without his Clay Clay Fruit. He even managed to hold off a rockslide started by No Beard, and, without his Devil Fruit, managed to support a large pile of boulders on his back for quite some time before help arrived. When using his Clay Clay Fruit in combination with his Haki, Chris can become a mighty force to be reckoned with. By making clever use of his strength, speed, unpredictability, versatility, and the effects of his Devil Fruit and Haki, Chris has shown that he can easily surpass his traditional limits when necessary. One such feat Chris was capable of, was stopping Grim's rather large Rankyaku: Splitting Wall technique bare-handed, with only one hand. He later then outdid himself when he managed to cause some damage to Grim while the latter was using Tekkai, a feat of strength that he couldn't even do naturally. Though when he was later pursued by Marine Admiral, Akainu, Chris was only capable of making a hasty retreat alongside his cousin and her allies, the Ika Bounty Hunters and The Valkyrie Pirates; given Akainu was far too strong to take on at the time. To go with his unnatural strength, Chris spent an equal amount of time building up his speed and agility. By increasing the strength of his muscles for physical power, he also added the strength necessary for him to reach superhuman speeds, albeit he was completely unaware of this at the time. Albeit, like with his strength, his speed enhancements did little to help him defeat Decaden's army, as while he was able to outrun one man, he was unable to outrun an entire group by himself. That, and while his reflexes were great enough to help him avoid gunfire and other forms of assault from the royal guard, it would take the assistance of a pirate crew to eventually help Chris defeat Decaden and his guards. In particular, Chris' speed, agility, and reflexes weren't enough to help him defeat Decaden's most powerful soldiers, the co-captains of his royal guard and his most competent personal bodyguards, the Two Shields, as they're called, Rex Kong (the Right Shield) and Mira (the Left Shield.) Though with the pirates aiding him, Chris was finally able to defeat Rex Kong in a fair, one-on-one fight, before moving on to try and dethrone Decaden. After heading out to sea and forming his own pirate crew, Chris' agility truly began to make itself apparent. Memorable feats included being capable of punching and kicking at such speeds, that he could make it appear he had multiple arms and legs, as was seen with his Clay Clay Multi-Fist technique. Chris also proved capable of leaping freely about during his time at Lucky 7, as he made his way closer to Hanuman, who at the time was kidnapped and in need of rescuing. While there, Chris jumped from rooftop to rooftop, and once he was inside one of the gambling casinos, he had managed to jump ten feet in the air from a standing position and land on a railing overlooking the floor below, before leaping off of that and going straight into a hurried dash down a corridor ahead of him. And during the Davy Back Fight he had against Dieu-le-Veut Veronica, he had managed to react swiftly enough to avoid the quick and precise Zueton particle beams Veronica had been firing at him during their match. Beams, which, were as fast as electricity. Even without his Devil Fruit, such as when No Beard shaved it away with the Shave Shave Fruit, Chris seems to be naturally flexible, thus indicating he may have grown adjusted to his Devil Fruit's flexibility powers over time. This was most clearly seen by how Chris managed to quickly dodge every slash No Beard threw out at him, making Chris' movements look somewhat similiar to the Kami-e technique. Even at uncomfortably close ranges, spanning only inches in distance, Chris' combined speed and flexibility have allowed him to avoid attacks that might be too much for even him to handle. Although he still has his limits, such as when he attempted to avoid a laser blast shot at him from Isaac Giovanni, which was capable of at least blowing Chris backward from the force of the shockwave emitted from the laser's impact. Alongside his strength and speed, Chris' initial training back on Aspara was also meant to toughen him up so that he wouldn't flinch as easily to powerful attacks, as well as giving him the stamina to continue any prolonged strenuous activity, such as running at top speed or lifting heavy objects for indefinate amounts of time. While this proved useful at first, given how Chris showed he was more than capable of handling Rex Kong's Wild Style Kung-Fu, a form of fighting heavily implied to cause as much pain as possible while still retaining the agility seen in a fighting style like Monkey Style Kung-Fu, Chris eventually began to buckle under the combined forces of Kong's Zoan-enhanced physical strength, and the versatile powers of Mira's Empty Empty Fruit. It wasn't until the pirates Chris befriended eventually showed up to lend a helping hand, and thus allow Chris to move on to finally avenging his fellow islanders. After becoming captain of The Jolly Pirates, Chris later began showing the true extents of how far he could push his body before giving out. The most clear examples being the many fights Chris had gotten into, where, in spite of the inhuman amounts of damage and injury he sustained in each of them, he still managed to get back onto his feet as if nothing had happened. When battling Hanuman at Ape Island alongside his crew, Chris was able to withstand numerous beatings from the immensely powerful bigfoot, who roughly had almost as much strength as Chris himself at the time, not to mention the usage of Hanuman's Haki and Bigfoot Muay-Thai, a fighting style meant to create enormous amounts of damage and destruction in its wake. Additionally, despite his attempts to avoid them at all costs, Chris managed to stay on his feet no matter how many times he was struck by Veronica's Zap Zap Fruit attacks during their match in their Davy Back Fight, even though the techniques were essentially electric discharge at lethal voltages. And even after the time skip and reuniting with his crew, when Chris ended up in battle against Yeren, the captain of The Collosal Pirates, who was revealed to be half giant and half bigfoot, Chris was able to take direct blows from Yeren't physical strikes and continue on fighting afterward. Chris' stamina became the most apparent after the battle with Yeren of The Collossal Pirates. After a grueling and difficult battle with the giant bigfoot, and knowing he needed to get back to his crew, whom he had ordered to head to Fishman Island and wait for him in the New World while he battled Yeren, Chris defiantly climbed the entirety of the Red Line and crossed it in one go before falling down from its dizzying heights back towards his waiting crew below. Although it seems Chris is undefeatable in this regard, he seems to still have one underlying weakness that all Logia Devil Fruit users share. When pain is inflicted upon Chris, through uses such as submerging him in water, applying seastone to him, or simply using Busoshoku Haki to hit him, Chris will be unable to adjust to the pain after not experiencing it for so long, that it will cripple him momentarily. This and his overconfidence in his Devil Fruit's powers was what lead to his inevitable downfall shortly before the time skip. After his training with Shanks however, Chris has shown that he is now more resilient to pain, and can shrug it off more easily than before. While Chris has great physical endurance, and can last long in fights and other physical activities, Chris lacks the strength to ward off deadly diseases and poisons, thus making him very vulnerable in this regard, much like any regular person. Likewise, as shown during some fights he's been in, a lack of nutrition can easily cripple Chris, and make him more prone to damage and injury if he isn't careful. Thus, he usually always keeps himself completely healthy before a big fight by eating large quantities of food, drinking lots of water, or even sometimes doing both simultaneously, given whatever situation he's currently in and will face next. Thus, if Chris is feeling hungry or thirsty in the middle of a fight, he will grow signifigantly weaker, and lack the same enthusiasm and forceful strength as before. This can only be alleviated by somehow managing to get some food and water back into his system, and thus allowing him to continue his battle with renewed vigor. The only thing Chris seems to be able to handle just fine on his own, is the ability to endure extended periods at a time where he has had no proper sleep or rest. He has remarked that this ability probably sprung up, due to him rarely getting a chance to sleep when he was younger, as he was always on the run from Decaden's royal guard at the time. Nevertheless, this one trait has proven to be especially useful to Chris, as it has allowed him to keep up with his activities, no matter how worn out he may be at the current moment.