| - Marine-B12 : Sir, I still can’t get command. There are some kind of disruption in the air. Sgt. Jones : Keep on trying, Jess. Try checking the console… maybe that’s the problem. *Adjust his cap as the heat increase* Nick. Rufio. You found any entrance yet? Marine-B14 : No sir. Marine-B09 : Señor lamentable. Todo que encontramos es estos pinchazos de mierda. (**Sorry Sir. All we found is these shitty small hole)*Points to the holes* Marine-B14 : English!! We don’t talk Spanish… Sgt. Jones : Shut the fuck up Nick. *Inspects the holes* Rufio, set the C-12 around it. Make us a nice entrance of our own. Marine-B14 : I hope you’re glad Papa protected your back. Back in the ship, it will be just you and me, ass. Marine-B09 : Ok-ok, tráigalo en, el asno mudo. (**bring it on, dumb ass)… Marine-B14 : Again, stop with the Spanish!! Sgt. Jones : Good. *Spits his gum out* Now, stand back Kids!! Marine-B05 : Wait, what?? Sgt. Jones : I did told you to back away! Nick, check him out. Marine-B05 : Ah, what! I can’t hear you… Marine-B14 : Come here...*Checks B05’s ears* internal bleeding…Here, keep this towel near to your ear, ok? Marine-B05 : *Nods* I guess my ears are messed up. CAN YOU HEAR ME? Sgt. Jones : *Hits B05's head* God-damnit son, we can hear you... Sgt. Jones : Clear. *One fist held up while the other still holding the battle rifle* Marine-B14 : Sir, where are all of them? I mean, ALL OF THEM… Sgt. Jones : I have no clue…*Scratch his head* Check the logs and user entry. There must be at least a survivor here. Marine-B12 : Ships this big shouldn’t have disappear without Command knowing. Never seen a Carrier before… Everyone checks the computer logs, running down the history entry Marine-B14 : Well, question is, who raised the beacon? Sgt. Jones : *Looks down to his 1991 watch* Hmm… Nick and Lee, check the perimeter around till the barracks. Report if you found something. Marine-B14 : Ok…*Knocks on Lee’s helmet* Hey Deaf-Head…Follow me Marine-B05 : WHAT?? I CAN’T HEAR YOU!! TALK LOUDER!! Marine-B14 : *Punches into Lee’s nose* Shut up! Marine-B05 : Oww…Just say that I need to follow you… Sgt. Jones : *Chuckles* Jess, how’s the logs… Any progress? Marine-B12 : Weird…Here sir. According to this log, they encountered something and brought it in…A vessel of some sort… Sgt. Jones : Where is it now? Marine-B09 : Hangar B7 … aproximadamente 300 metros delante (**Hangar B7… About 300 metres ahead) Sgt. Jones : Call in Nick and Lee. Tell them to meet us at Hangar B7… Sgt. Jones : Now back off dumb asses…*Covers his head while his finger slowly pushes the detonation button* Marine-B14 : Whoa…Sir, look at this… Marine-B12 : Holy…What are they? Covies? *Held her rifle up* Sgt. Jones : Holster that rifle… Looks like alien eggs… Thousands of them… Marine-B14 : What should we do now? Sgt. Jones : Check it out… None of them seemed to have hatched for a long time now… Might as well be dead eggs… Sgt. Jones : Everyone guards up… Be careful… Marine-B09 : Hay buque … No Convenont, esto es seguro... (**There’s the vessel… Not Covenant, that’s for sure) Marine-B14 : Hey Lee…*Taps Lee’s shoulder* This one is moving… Marine-B05 : Careful there... Whoa!! Marine-B14 : Sir, this egg opened up… Sgt. Jones : Good job, now why don’t you just open the other eggs up and say hi to them!! Marine-B05 : Guys… AHHH *Shoots his rifle into the air* Marine-B14 : Oh my god…* Tries to pull the creature off* JESS…COME HERE NOW!! Marine-B12 : *Runs* What the hell is that? *Hold out a knife from her pocket* Marine-B14 : Stop… It seems to hold to him tighter when you try to cut it… Sgt. Jones : Son of a… That’s it…Return to the Peli… This mission is over… Marine-B09 : Señor, más huevos incuban... (**Sir, more eggs are hatching up) Sgt. Jones : GET OUT OF HERE NOW!! Pilot : What the hell just happen? What the fuck it that? Sgt. Jones : Just get us out of here, Cass… (Next:Coming in next two weeks)