| - "…Hm?" Gai Nagareboshi was awoken to the sound of birds chirping outside. Slowly standing to his feet, the Mototsu opened the window, gazing up at the blue sky, all while staying wary of not falling down the stairs positioned in front of his bed. For some reason, even standing was somewhat painful. Perhaps it was still the aftereffects of that foe's Inferna Falx. Even though Gai was completely healed, there was still a stinging pain where that scar had previously been, but it was not severe enough to alert Hizashi. Gai could not bring himself to worry Hizashi any more— especially after all she had been through. As Gai wrapped several bandages around his lower chest area, Hizashi, who was downstairs in the kitchen, noticed this from the corner of her eye. Disappointed that he would attempt to hide something like that from her, she sighed and continued to attempt to cook breakfast— despite her hazardous culinary skills, the cause of which was because of Hizashi's illiteracy— which she attempted to keep a closely-guarded secret, especially to Gai, who she feared would abandon her if he found out. Despite both Gai Nagareboshi and Hizashi Yoshi's yearning to be together, which was hampered by horrible communication skills, caused by a sheltered upbringing and a traumatic past respectively— the two had multiple dark secrets that they were afraid to tell one another. Trudging downstairs, Gai noticed that Hizashi's movements were somewhat slowing— as if she was saddened by something, it appeared in his own mind. Approaching her, Gai almost immediately inquired about what was troubling her, "U-Uh, Hizashi, if you don't mind answering…What's going on with you today? It's like you're down in the dumps about something." Hizashi coldly replied "N-Nothing. It is nothing, so do not exhaust your concern anent such a matter…" before turning away. Such a response incited concern in Gai, who then responded "Dammit Hizashi, something is definitely wrong. If you'd just tell me—" Gai was interrupted by Hizashi, who interjected icily, "This quandary of mine is none of your concern. Now, if you'll exonerate me—" This time, Gai was the one to interrupt Hizashi, proclaiming, "Hizashi, you don't have to hide things from me." Hizashi turned around to face Gai, looking down slightly due to the two's small height difference, before replying "Gai, I have had enow with you withholding personal knowledge from me. I care about you, and I would like to assume that we can be truthful with one another," in a heartfelt tone, radically different from her usual calm and composed demeanor. "And I hazard a guess that there is something else happening that I am unaware of, I find such acts discommodious!" Sighing, Gai, affected by this display of emotion which was unusual for Hizashi, responded to this outburst, "…I've gotta admit; I can't lie to you. I just don't want you worrying too much about me; you've been through too much already." Still, Nagareboshi pondered to himself; "How can someone talk like that while keeping a straight face?" Understanding; yet disappointed by Gai's decision, Hizashi almost reflexively pulled the Mototsu into a tight embrace, surprising Gai as she was formerly haphephobic. Gasping for air, Gai coughed as Hizashi cried, "Gai…I find such an act attingent…But how can I not express my concern over you? After all you have been through; I cannot fathom why you persist to withhold vital information from me." "Well, Hizashi…I only have about four living people who I care about. I honestly don't care about anyone else other than you, Nika, Gunha, and Haruko. As I told you before— I don't want anyone getting too concerned about me; I can handle things that most of you can't." Hizashi frowned at this statement, before retorting "I am in knowledge that you have discarded your incredibly irritating habit to go about gasconading about your origins; but would such matters honestly affect you to inform me-er, if I could correct my verbal moria, us, once in a while if a significant conflict of sorts is troubling you? These anaerectic tendacies shall not suffice for me." "…Tch." Clicking his tongue and not responding for several movements, Gai finally answered, looking away, crossing his arms, and stammering in embarrassment, "…W-Whatever. Quit your whining; I'll tell you what's going on. Stop pestering me." Hizashi covered her mouth with her free hand; holding back her laughter at Gai's immature reaction, thinking to herself, "He's gone coccineous...Such a scene is rather cute." "Nika said that there's a new generation of Espada…They might target you because of your connection to me. I didn't want you finding out about this— I wanted to deal with it myself while you rested. I know how you're reluctant to step into a confrontation once again, Hizashi." Gai explained, returning to his regular demeanor. "…And now you're worried, aren't you? …Tch, I'm sorry for that." "No…I am not concerned over my wellbeing. I am confident that as long as I can fight in close proximity to you, I can topple any foe, as I lo—" After a brief second, Hizashi blushed, realizing what she had just almost confessed. Gai, curious and somewhat hoping that Hizashi had feelings beyond mere friendship for him and was about to confess her love for him, inquired, "Hm? What were you about to say, Hizashi…?" Hizashi looked away, unwilling to admit her feelings for the younger man, due to the age difference, the eyebrows it would raise if the two were seen being overly affectionate in public, and the fear that Gai might reject her. "H-Hizashi, I-I'll admit, since we met ten years ago and the…events…that ensued, I kinda—" Gai stopped himself, looking away in great embarrassment. Perhaps the age difference disturbed her, or she would reject him. One could never be too wary of such a dilemma when dealing with romance and all that entailed. Both regaining their composure, Gai and Hizashi looked at each other, before Hizashi proposed shyly; "…We seem to have a somewhat of a communication quandary. Perhaps it would be for the best if we told each other what we were anent to proclaim at the exact same time." "…Yeah, that sounds right to me," Gai replied, hoping that he would hear the words he had been waiting for so long for. "Alright, then, one…two…" At that moment, the two both blurted out, "I—love—you." At Seireitei, Haruko walked past the train station, noticing a bullet train speeding into a tunnel. Somewhat unnerved by such a scene and the implications thereof, she uttered, "This Freudian symbolism's very disturbing…"