| - Orochimaru (大蛇丸, Orochimaru) is one of Konohagakure's legendary Sannin. With a life-ambition to learn all of the world's secrets, Orochimaru seeks immortality so that he might live all of the lives necessary to accomplish his task. After being caught red-handed performing unethical experiments on his fellow citizens for the sake of this immortality, Orochimaru defected from Konoha rather than be persecuted for his ambitions, and for many years sought the village's destruction in order to take revenge and demonstrate what he had learned. After several apparent deaths in the pursuit of his goals, Orochimaru realises his approach is flawed through Kabuto Yakushi, his former associate, and begins monitoring the choices and actions of his former apprentice, Sasuke Uchiha.
- Orochimaru was the antagonist of the Japanese folktale The Tale of the Gallant Jiraiya. He was orignally one of Jiraiya's followers, Yashagoro, but was overcome by the spell of a serpent and became skilled in serpent magic. He took the name Orochimaru (Orochi means `monstrous snake') and attacked Jiraiya. However one of Jiraiya's other followers came to his master's rescue.
- Famille Nature de Chakra Traits Uniques Jutsu Armes Orochimaru fut le principal antagoniste de la première partie de Naruto et un antagoniste secondaire durant la seconde partie. Il est respecté et surtout très craint par beaucoup de personne de part sa puissance légendaire, mais également à cause de son apparence de "serpent", faisant trembler même les plus courageux. En effet, Orochimaru est l'un des trois Sannin légendaires de Konoha avec Jiraya et Tsunade. Il eût pour maître le Troisième Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi. Selon ce dernier, il était le genre de prodige n'apparaissant qu'une fois par siècle. Ses uniques buts sont de devenir immortel et s'approprier toutes les techniques du monde Ninja.
- Categoría:PersonajesCategoría:Usuarios de Kekkei GenkaiOrochimaru (大蛇丸, Orochimaru) es un shinobi veterano de Konohagakure, miembro del Equipo Hiruzen y uno de los tres legendarios Sannin, junto con sus compañeros Jiraiya y Tsunade. Fue miembro de la organización Raíz bajo el liderazgo de Danzō y posteriormente desertó de la aldea por ser descubierto haciendo experimentos con los aldeanos, ademas de ser un ex miembro de Akatsuki. Llevaba el anillo "Vacío" (空, Kū) en el dedo meñique izquierdo. Fue uno de los principales antagonistas de la serie hasta su muerte a manos de Sasuke Uchiha. Durante la Cuarta Guerra Mundial Shinobi fue revivido por parte de su pupilo.
- File:Izanami Ball.png Impossibles/Colossals: File:FireIcon.png Fire: Solwing File:WaterIcon.png Water: File:WoodIcon.png Wood: Medusa File:LightIcon.png Light: Fenrir File:DarkIcon.png Dark: Vanilla the Witch File:Scroll.png Tower: File:S++.png Temple: Water (Time) | Water (Carnage) | Wood (Time) | Wood (Carnage)
- Orochimaru, der Herr des Ostens
- Orochimaru (大蛇丸, Orochimaru) is the comical main antagonist of the series. He is a missing-nin from Konohagakure and the founder of Otogakure as well as one of the Legendary Sannin.
- Orochimaru, Orochimario, Orochimauro, Orosaiba, OrcoMario, Orcomarcio, Frociochimaru o, ancora, Marilyn Manson (per gli amici Orociock) è il criminale più perverso della storia della civiltà umana, ed è famoso per la sua personalità carismatica che lo aiuta ad attirare nella sua rete bambini dai cinque ai dieci anni. È affetto da una grave disfunzione sanguigna, che gli causa una forma cronica di anemia.
- is one of Konohagakure's legendary Sannin. With a life-ambition to learn all of the world's secrets, Orochimaru seeks immortality so that he might live all of the lives necessary to accomplish his task. After being caught red-handed performing unethical experiments on his fellow citizens for the sake of this immortality, Orochimaru defected from Konoha rather than be persecuted for his ambitions, and for many years sought the village's destruction in order to take revenge and demonstrate what he had learned. After several apparent deaths in the pursuit of his goals, Orochimaru realises his approach is flawed through Kabuto Yakushi, his former associate, and begins monitoring the choices and actions of his former apprentice, Sasuke Uchiha.
- Orochimaru is one of the school bullies who seems to be a snake demon and plans to suck all of Duncan's blood.
- Orochimaru was a snake jutsu user. He is one of the main antagonists in the series Naruto, and plays a role as one of the antagonists in Naruto Shippuden. He was immortal through which he became thausands of white snakes, yet he died to Sasuke Uchiha with the use of his sharingan. File:Images.jpg
- Orochimaru is the main antagonist in Part I of the manga and anime series, Naruto; though his role has diminished in Part II. Orochimaru's influence still affected the events leading to the Fourth Great Ninja War. By the end of Part II, Orochimaru had seen how flawed his goals were and gave up his previous villainous ambitions. He was voiced by Steven Blum in the English version and Kujira in the Japanese version.
- Orochimaru (大蛇丸, Orochimaru) es un shinobi veterano de Konohagakure, miembro del Equipo Hiruzen y uno de los tres legendarios Sannin, junto con sus compañeros Jiraiya y Tsunade. Fue miembro de la organización Raíz bajo el liderazgo de Danzō y posteriormente desertó de la aldea por ser descubierto haciendo experimentos con los aldeanos, ademas de ser un ex miembro de Akatsuki. Llevaba el anillo "Vacío" (空, Kū) en el dedo meñique izquierdo. Fue uno de los principales antagonistas de la serie hasta su muerte a manos de Sasuke Uchiha. Durante la Cuarta Guerra Mundial Shinobi fue revivido por parte de su pupilo.
- Orochimaru (大蛇丸, Orocsimaru) egy jelentős ellenfél a sorozat Első részében és másodlagos ellenfél a sorozat Második részében. Elismert, hogy Konohagakure egyik legerősebb ninjája. A Három Legendás Sannin egyike. Konoha elhagyása után megalapítja a saját faluját, Otogakuret (Hangrejtek). Régebben az Akatsuki tagja volt.
- Orochimaru è un Ninja Traditore del Villaggio della Foglia, è il leader ed il fondatore del Villaggio del Suono. Al contrario di molti personaggi del manga, la vita di Orochimaru viene raccontata attraverso brevi flashback nel corso della trama. I genitori di Orochimaru morirono quando era ancora giovane, cosa che spinse il giovane ninja ad impegnarsi molto negli allenamenti. Allievo prodigioso del Terzo Hokage, era in squadra con Jiraiya e Tsunade. In seguito saranno conosciuti come i Tre Ninja Leggendari, un riconoscimento datogli da Hanzo poiché erano stati i soli sopravvissuti ad una cruenta battaglia. Inoltre Hiruzen Sarutobi sperava che un giorno potesse succedergli come Hokage. Ha due figli di nome Log e Mitsuki creati dallo stesso embrione.
- Orochimaru (大蛇丸, Orochimaru) Hiruzen Sarutobi'nin öğrencilerinden, efsanevi üç Sannin 'den birisidir. Diğer iki Sannin olan Tsunade ve Jiraiya'ya göre daha zeki ve yetenekli olmasına karşın, çarpık ve sapkın bir kişiliğe sahiptir. Yeteneklerinden dolayı Sarutobi, Orochimaru'nun kendi yerini almasını arzu etmişti. Ama kişiliğinden dolayı onun yerine Konoha'nın Sarı Şimşeği Dördüncü Hokage olarak seçildi. Sarutobi ne kadar düzelmesini dilediysede daha sonra da ortaya çıktığı üzere Orochimaru'yu doğru yola sokması mümkün olmadı.
- Orochimaru (Schurke in der mythischen Jiraiya-Sage, Orochi = japanische Hydra, Maru = Jungenname) ist ein Nukenin aus Konohagakure und hat in seiner Kindheit, ähnlich wie Sasuke Uchiha, als äußerst begabt und talentiert gegolten. Orochimaru ist einer der legendären Sannin. Sein Ziel ist es, alle Jutsus der Welt zu lernen und so zum mächtigsten Wesen der Welt zu werden. Dabei geht er buchstäblich über Leichen. Deshalb hat der dritte Hokage ihn auch nicht zum vierten Hokage ernannt und versucht, ihn zu bekämpfen, als Orochimaru einige Shinobi aus Konohagakure entführt und für seine Experimente benutzt hat. Daraufhin ist Orochimaru aus Konoha geflohen und für eine unbestimmte Zeit unter anderem Akatsuki beigetreten. Er hat das Dorf Otogakure gegründet und seine eigene Shinobi-Armee aufgestell