Royal Blood are an English rock duo. Their song "Out of the Black" is featured in the trailer for the second season of Daredevil.
Royal Blood was a crew on the Viridian Ocean that was founded on March 15, 2007.
Royal Blood ist ein Doctor Who-Roman von Una McCormack, der am 10. September 2015 erschien. Es ist das erste Buch der Trilogie The Glamour Chronicles. Darin suchen der Zwölfte Doctor und Clara Oswald nach einem gefährlichen Artefakt namens Glamour. Der Roman erscheint im Mai 2016 in Deutschland unter dem Titel Königliches Blut.
This item can be obtained in various ways from either Stennis or King Henselt and is required to make the antidote to Saskia's poison.
Royal Blood is an ability in The Elder Scrolls III: Tribunal that consists of a variety of effects increasing the caster's defensive and offensive capabilities.
Royal Blood or q205_royalblood on the game files, is a quest in Chapter II of The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. It is part of Iorveth's path.