| - The larger members of Gnoblar society have a tendency towards independence. These Gnoblars forsake their baggage-carrying brethren and band together into loose but numerous groups that take to the battlefield in the hope of stealing some particularly choice shiny things before the Corpse-Harvest.[1a] Gnoblar Fighters arm themselves with an assortment of broken bottles, swords, spear tips, false legs, fangweasels, pointy sticks and rusted daggers - basically anything they can get their grubby, grasping hands upon. Most of the time the Gnoblars will loiter near the Ogres, making threatening yelps and menacingly shuffling forward. In extreme circunstances (ie, actual conflict) Gnoblar Fighters will frenziedly jab their enemies in the nether regions with their 'weapons' until either they or the enemy stops moving. Every now and then, their sheer numbers enable them to pull down their foes in a tide of snapping maws, stabbing blades and pure malice. When things do not quite so well and they start to die in their droves, well, they're only Gnoblars...[1a]