| - en:SA-X Das SA-X (Abkürzung für Samus Aran-X) ist ein X-Parasit, der Samus' äußere Erscheinung imitiert und aus den infizierten Überresten ihres Power Suits hervorgeht. Es ist der Hauptgegner des Spiels Metroid Fusion. Samus kann bis zu ihrem letzten Kampf mit dem originalen SA-X kein einziges von ihnen vernichten, da sie bis dato zu mächtig sind.
- Image:SA-X Sprite 2.png The SA-X from Metroid Fusion is believed to have come from the Quarantine Bay on the Main Deck. Because it absorbed Samus' abilities, it used a Power Bomb to breach the protective capsule it was in and the capsules containing other X Parasites. With the Ice Beam and Samus' other abilities, it easily opened the Level 0 hatch guarding the bay and left to go to one of the sectors. This can be evidently seen when entering the Quarantine Bay area where there is a warped wall. The bay is the first mission of Samus'.
- The SA-X is the main antagonist in the video game Metroid Fusion. Throughout the entire game SA-X searches for Samus in the Biologic Space Laboratories in attempt to kill her.
- The SA-X (Samus Aran X-Parasite) is an X-Parasite who has copied Samus Aran's DNA. She is the primary antagonist of Metroid Fusion, as she directly caused most of the events in that game. The user Deadly Sniper Goat is the current and only RPer of SA-X.
- The SA-X (also known as Samus Aran X or Samex) is a fictional character in Nintendo's Metroid franchise and the main antagonist of Metroid Fusion.
- The SA-X (short for Samus Aran-X) was the main antagonist of Metroid Fusion and the eleventh boss Samus faces on the Biologic Space Laboratories research station.
- The SA-X is an X Parasite mimicking Samus. After Samus's first encounter with the X on SR388, her Power Suit was infected by the parasites. The Galactic Federation surgically removed infected portions of her suit and sent the pieces to the Biologic Space Laboratories research station's Quarantine Bay. Once there, the X inside the infected suit parts seemingly combined and transformed into a copy of Samus in her standard Varia Suit (it should be noted in SA-X's first closeup its eyes appear to be white, with no visible pupils). The SA-X used a Power Bomb to escape the Quarantine Bay, breaching the capsules containing X-infected specimens from SR388, and started the mass infestation.
- SA-X o Samus Aran X es una mimetización de Samus Aran creada por el Parásito X después de que éste infectara las partes orgánicas del Traje de Samus. Es el principal antagonista, junto con el Parásito X en general, de Metroid Fusion.
- thumb|200px SA-X apparait dans Metroid Fusion. Il s'agit d'un clone de Samus Aran, formé par les Parasites X qui avaient infecté la chasseuse de primes sur la planète SR-388. Alors que Samus était inconsciente et dont le corps et la combinaison étaient infectés par le parasite, une équipe scientifique enleva plusieurs éléments de sa combinaison pour tenter d'enrayer la propagation des X. Après la guérison de Samus, les fragments infectés furent scellés et envoyés sur une station scientifique en orbite autour de SR-388. Mais les X, utilisant leur capacité de reproduction de l'ADN de leurs hôtes, créèrent un clone de Samus qui sema la destruction dans la station, facilitant la propagation du parasite.
- SA-X é um X Parasite que possui a aparência e habilidades de Samus Aran. Após o primeiro encontro com o X em SR-388, a Power Suit de Samus foi infectada por um dos parasitas, sendo necessário que a Galactic Federation removesse cirurgicamente a armadura, e mandasse as partes contaminadas para contenção na Estação de Laborat´rios de Pesquisas Biológicas Espaciais (Biologic Space Laboratories research station - B.S.L.). Uma vez em contenção, o parasita presente nas partes contaminadas constituiu-se em uma cópia de Samus Aran, em sua Varia Suit ( entretanto, pode ser notado que SA-X não possui pupilas aparentes em seus olhos. Outro fator a ser notado é a cloração da Varia Suit, sendo que a parte tradicionalmente vermelha apresenta uma coloração arroxeada, voltada para o rosa, mas isso pode s