| - (OOC- It has been almost 5 years since the KAOS Pirates were founded in Midian. They have had a very successful run with lots of fun and sometimes even epic roleplay when lucky. In that time they started Midian's first radio station, Midian City Radio (IC and OOC), staged chaotic raves, held many dark rituals, raided, blackmailed and took control of many buildings and establishments. They helped set the city on fire, built and ran Bangkok Records, gave rise to the UAC protests and rebellions, stole the virus from the UAC, helped the Breed steal the Artifact, started the NRA, reinvigorated the drug trade with their founder's invention, Synthnip, went head to head with The Hounds and UAC, burned down the poolhall, assassinated the WU Chairman, murdered, raped, kidnapped, enslaved, among coun
| - (OOC- It has been almost 5 years since the KAOS Pirates were founded in Midian. They have had a very successful run with lots of fun and sometimes even epic roleplay when lucky. In that time they started Midian's first radio station, Midian City Radio (IC and OOC), staged chaotic raves, held many dark rituals, raided, blackmailed and took control of many buildings and establishments. They helped set the city on fire, built and ran Bangkok Records, gave rise to the UAC protests and rebellions, stole the virus from the UAC, helped the Breed steal the Artifact, started the NRA, reinvigorated the drug trade with their founder's invention, Synthnip, went head to head with The Hounds and UAC, burned down the poolhall, assassinated the WU Chairman, murdered, raped, kidnapped, enslaved, among countless other heinous crimes. Basically they lived up to their name. Lots of things have changed in Midian roleplay, it is no longer a small cutoff island, no longer as dark as it once was, it is attracting a different type of roleplayer as well as other changes for better or worse. Nothing wrong with most of it, a matter of taste, but for us this means time to move on. We enjoyed our stay here and we wish continued success to the new future of Midian and its roleplayers.) A single skeleton key could have been found somewhere in the vicinity of the SE end of Apocalypse, buried in the sand like treasure. It said nothing, no engraved numbers, no note attached, no explanations, but some might recognize it as one of the 3 keys to Bangkok Records. If this person sought to test the theory, they would have found the place scorched from wall to ceiling, the doors and windows blown in, the nearly destroyed remains of a mysterious electrical device the only thing left of the entire room sitting square in the middle of the torched floor. Obvious to anyone, this was no normal fire, perhaps not a fire at all, but seemed more akin to an implosion, a tiny black hole which had collapsed and pulled the room into itself. Among the strange device's embers, shards of broken glass and oxidized flame kissed metal was an odd looking clock fashioned from brass that appeared to serve as pith. Obviously not meant to tell time, not time as we know it, the large dial fell just past the number 2325, melted there forever forged. No sign of the KAOS Pirates was left to be found but as the salty breeze stole in from over nearby waters, it sung a tale of long lost past, ghosts that may forever haunt Midian shores. Eventually, under the charred floorboards, if one were to look, there might be discovered 2 massive treasure chests crudely made of lead. One containing most of the vinyl records and the other a scroll signed in blood by all of the Pirates, oaths to chaos. Some whom had moved on but still lived in Midian would not like this information spread. Under each name was written a list of crimes committed during each pirate's membership, as well as an extremely large stash of Synthnip, enough to supply Midian for years (or Sable for a few weeks ;p). An implosion is what destroyed Bangkok Records. Yes, you read that correctly, an implosion. One whose cause is still to be determined. Weeks before the incident, the KAOS radio signal went silent. With no Pirates in sight to question, well, none who can be identified as Pirates, the silence carries over even after the destruction to perhaps lay to rest a long and tumultuous past that is, in itself, the essence of KAOS. There has been talk of buried treasure. Of keys that open chests not only of Pirate riches, but of long-kept KAOS secrets as well. Imagine stumbling across a manifold with the names of all the KAOS members, both past and present, signed in their own blood. Just picture the black mail that can be pulled off with that little piece of booty. Now, now. No need to dash over to the rubble and start digging. The mess has already been cleaned up. Ghandi Kamachi has been quite busy restoring the place to keep it open for business. Besides the obvious buying and selling of records, one is left to wonder about the other types of transactions that became akin to the KAOS Pirates - the production and trafficking of Sythnip. It's estimated that the current street value price of Sythnip will go up sharply due to the uncertainty of there being any supply left, besides what's out on the streets at this very moment, to cover future demand. We can only wait and see how things play out. Though, there are two things we can be sure of. First, the absence of the Pirates is felt with a heaviness of spirit. Second, there isn't a fire hot enough or an implosion big enough that can destroy what they accomplished in Midian. Talk of their exploits will carry on from one person to the next, from one heart to another, even in their absence.