| - Corvette was a guest character in the hit television series Exposé. She is a sexy crime fighting girl, working under the tutelage of Mr. LaShade with Autumn and Crystal. In the fourth season finale, Corvette learns that Mr. LaShade is none other than the evil Cobra, only to be shot and killed by him. Corvette was portrayed by Nikki Fernandez until she was written out of Exposé. ("Exposé")
- Corbeta es un mapa de Tiroteo en Halo: Reach. El mapa se localiza en la Corbeta Ardent Prayer, sobre el planeta Reach, específicamente en su hangar. Está basado en el nivel de Campaña Larga Noche de Consuelo.
- The Corvette is God's gift to men wanting to escape for the everyday grind known as life.
- Corvette is an automobile produced by the Chevrolet division of General Motors. It is one of America's most storied sports cars, having a history dating back over 60 years. Hot Wheels has made many different Corvette models.
- A unit from Napoleonic Empires.
- [[Fichier:Tantive IV.png|thumb|right|250px|Le Tantive IV]]Le terme de corvette désigne un type de vaisseau, la Corporation Technique Corellienne créa un type de corvette nommée les corvettes CR90.
- Corvette is a pinball machine produced by Bally.
- Corvette es un personaje ficticio de la serie de TV Exposé. Es una atractiva agente secreto que trabaja para Mr. LaShade. Forma equipo con Autumn y Crystal. Corvette se entera de que Mr. LaShade es La Cobra, su principal enemigo. Esto lleva a que Mr. LaShade le dispare en el pecho tres veces. Corvette estaba interpretada por Nikki. El nombre "Corvette" fue tomado de un coche deportivo americano.
- Corvettes are a new type of ship in Rebellion, that bridge the gap between Strike Craft and Frigates.
- A Corvette is French term for a small warship of 20 guns, similar but slightly larger to a British Sloop-of-war
- Although almost all modern navies use ships smaller than frigates for coastal duty, not all of them use the term corvette (via Middle French, from a Dutch word corf, a type of boat) or equivalent. The rank "corvette captain", equivalent in many navies to "lieutenant commander", derives from the name of this type of ship.
- Corvettes (or light escorts) are small lightly armed warships that have been used by several spacefaring civilizations including the Klingons and the Federation. Corvettes are often used as scouting units launched ahead of the main fleet. (Last Unicorn RPG module: The Price of Freedom; TOS novel: Spock Must Die!)
- Cette unité est produite sur la Station Orbitale Energie Solaire nv:5 Balistique nv:5 Combustion nv:5 500 points de vie 75 points de dégâts 100 année lumière/heure 140 3 500 or 5 500 titane 4 000 nourriture
- Col termine Corvette ci si riferisce ad una tipologia di astronave presente nell'Universo di Halo, che è parte sia della flotta covenant che della flotta UNSC.
- The corvette was a class of warship. They were typically small, fast, maneuverable and relatively lightly-armed. Generally large enough to be considered a capital ship but smaller than a frigate, corvettes filled a variety of roles that ranged from picket duty within large fleets to system defense and convoy escort. Corvettes saw action with nearly all space navies throughout the history of the galaxy. Corvettes filled a comparatively inexpensive gap in the capital ship range of rebel, pirate, smuggler, and mercenary fleets and armadas. Corvettes are capital ships and were inexpensive compared to other more expensive and powerful capital ships. They were suitable for dealing with any ships smaller than themselves, but don't usually stand up very long against any others bigger than them.
- Corvettes (hull size 4) are a small, maneuverable, lightly armed warships, that are smaller than a frigate, and larger than an assault scout. Corvettes are common throughout the Frontier - used by corporate securities, mercenaries, pirates, Star Law forces, militia and UPF fleets.
- They made minor appearances Ace Combat: Assault Horizon and Ace Combat Infinity.
- The Corvette is a ship in Just Cause 3. It has two versions; Rebel Corvette and Military Corvette.
- The Chevrolet Corvette was a 20th century automobile used on Earth. They were later valued as antiques, with at least one surviving well into the 23rd century. Sometime during the early to mid-2240s of the alternate reality, James T. Kirk's stepfather owned a vintage red 1965 Corvette Sting Ray C2 convertible. Kirk went for a joyride in the car, was chased by a police officer on a hovercruiser, and bailed out just as the car fell into a massive quarry. (Star Trek) == Appendices ==
- The Corvette is the standard Light Ship of the Gunpowder Age.
- Corvette est un personnage de fiction dans la série télé Exposé. C'est une sexy-combattante-contre-le-mal travaillant sous la tutelle de M. LaShade. Elle fait partie d'une équipe avec Autumn et Crystal. Corvette apprend que M. LaShade est un ennemi et essaie de le tuer mais il lui tire dessus avant. Corvette était interprétée par Nikki Fernandez jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit supprimée de l'histoire.
- The Covenant corvette is a Light Capital Warship classification in the Covenant Navy. Several Covenant corvettes were present during the Fall of Reach. Of these, at least one was in the planet's orbit when Operation: UPPERCUT commenced. As the corvette's communications were being jammed by the UNSC, it was engaged by the UNSC Savannah with teams of Sabre fighters assisting, including one piloted by SPARTAN-B312 and Jorge-052. Other Covenant corvettes took part in the ground battle on the planet. At least three such corvettes were present during the occupation of the city of Manassas.
- Corvette est une carte du mode Baptême du Feu qui est présente dans le jeu Halo : Reach. Cette carte prend place à l'intérieur de la corvette Covenante Ardent Prayer qui se situe en orbite autour de la planète Reach. Le décor de cette carte est également utilisé dans la mission "Longue Nuit de Réconfort". Il y a quelques véhicules présents sur cette carte, même si elle n'est pas très grande. Malheureusement, vous ne pouvez pas utiliser le mode Forge pour modifier cette map.
- The Barbie Corvette is a toy car made for Barbie and friends, licensed under Chevrolet in agreement with Mattel. It is by far the most re-occuring Barbie vehicle to date, with numerous versions spanning over 4 decades with design cues mimicked after the Corvettes of the time. The only other Barbie vehicle that has also been re-occuring is the Barbie camper.
- Corvette è un personaggio della serie TV finzionale Exposé presente nella storyline di Lost. E' una ragazza sexy dedicata alla lotta contro il crimine, sotto la tutela di Mr. LaShade. E' in un team composto da Autumn e Crystal. Corvette apprende che Mr. LaShade è un nemico e tenta d'ucciderlo ma viene uccisa con tre colpi al petto. Corvette è stara interpretata da Nikki Fernandez fino alla sua uscita dal cast di Exposé. Il nome "Corvette" è preso dall'omonima casa automobilistica sportiva.
- The title of Corvette was held by the Aegis Idris before it was promoted to a . It is now held by the RSI Polaris
- Corvette were an American rock band formed in Missouri in the early 1980s. The band were a support act for Duran Duran in 1984.
- The Corvette is a prosthetic penis that has been manufactured by Chevrolet since 1953. Although long used as an aid for the socially and erectile defunct, it is primarily used today as an alternative to chemical and surgical enhancement methods.
- Class: Constructor Required Technology: Medium Hull, Harpoon, ECM Hull Type: Medium Components: * Hit Points: 16 hp * Cost: 234 bc * Maintenance: 7 bc * Speed: 1 pc/wk * Range: 0.7 sct * Sensor Radius: 4 pc * Special Abilities: Attack * Attack o Beam: 0 o Missile: 6 o Gun: 0 * Defense o Shield: 0 o Point: 1 o Armor: 0
- Corvette是LOST故事線中,一套電視連續劇Exposé的客串角色。她是一名性感的正義女孩,在Mr. LaShade的保護之下。她與另外兩名女孩,Autumn和Crystal組成聯盟。Crovette在Exposé的第四季結尾,發現到LaShade才是劇中的主要邪惡反派,眼鏡蛇。雖然她發現到真相,但是她立即就被LaShade當場三槍射中胸口而死。Corvette是由LOST劇中的角色,女演員Nikki Fernandez所飾演,直至她完成演出Exposé一劇。
- Various classes of corvette could serve as systems patrol craft, scouts, blockade runners, armed couriers, anti-starfighter picket duty, and as personal yachts for wealthy or politically-powerful individuals. Some corvette classes were little more than heavily-armed freighters, and most were smaller than frigates. The typical corvette did not have hangar facilities, though it could dock with other vessels and some types could accommodate shuttlepods.
- Corvette é uma personagen de ficção do seriado de TV Exposé. Ela é uma heroína sexy, trabalhando sob a tutela de Sr. LaShade. Ela forma um time com Autumn e Crystal. Corvette descobre que Sr. LaShade é um inimigo e tenta matá-lo e é morta com três tiros no peito. Corvette é descrita como o "orgulho de St. Paul". Corvette era interpretada por Nikki até ela ser tirada da série. ("Exposé")
- The role of the corvette consisted mostly of coastal patrol, fighting minor battles, supporting large fleets, or participating in show-the-flag missions. The British Royal Navy began using these small ships in the 1650s, but described them as large sloops rather than corvettes. The first reference to a corvette was with the French Royal Navy in the 1670s, which is where the term itslef possibly originated. Most corvettes of the 18th century were around 100 to 140 feet in length and weighed 60 to 100 tons. They generally carried anywhere between ten and twenty-four guns on a single gundeck.
- Corvettes were a type of starship that were part of the United Federation of Planets Starfleet inventory. Like the perimeter action ships, corvettes were patrol combatants (Ships of the Star Fleet) designed for high-warp military engagements. Unlike those ships, corvettes were designed for longer-duration missions, had slightly larger crew sizes and had a higher deadweight tonnage (though less than that of destroyers). Examples of this type include the Mugato-class that first saw action during the Kelvan War in 2285. (Orion Press: In Harm's Way)
- [[Bild:Nikkistrip.jpg|thumb|left|Nikki Fernandez als Corvette]] Corvette ist ein Charakter aus der fiktiven Fernsehserie Exposé innerhalb der Handlung von Lost. Sie ist ein sexy Mädchen, das Verbrechen bekämpft und unter der Führung von Mr. LaShade arbeitet. Sie bildet zusammen mit Amanda und Crystal ein Team.
- Corvettes are a light attack ship which can move between planets. This allows you to use it for scouting when Scout Ships are unavailable. They are also useful as fast strike ships, which can be very effective at hitting Recyclers and attacking bases without defences. Paired with Destroyers they can form a strong force against Cruisers and lower. How to counter: Capital ships.
- The corvette was a small, manoeuvrable, lightly armed type of starship used for system defense purposes. The early Royal Manticoran Navy used several of these vessels before starting to build destroyers and light cruisers. Several of them, like HMS Gemini and HMS Hercules, fought in the battle against the Volsung Mercenaries in the 16th Century PD. (HHA6.2: ACTA) The Schiller System also held one or more corvettes in the 20th Century PD. (HH5ch.27)