| - Raza insectoide, de hábitos solitarios, que poseen unos estrictos rituales de protocolo, por los que cuando alguien arriba al planeta tiene que realizar el rito de bienvenida en el idioma nativo de estos seres, a riesgo que una mala pronunciación derive en la destrucción completa de dicha persona y su nave, como bien lo pudo comprobar la Federación Unida de Planetas en el 2343.
- Die Jarada sind eine insektenartige Spezies. Sie sind für ihre exzentrische Einstellung gegenüber allen Protokollen bekannt. Ein kleines Beispiel für die Aussprache ist folgendes: Die Schriftsprache der Jarada kennt einen Doppelbalken, der wie ein langes „S“ ausgesprochen wird, ein umgedrehtes „T“ ist ein Z-Laut, außer ihm folgen drei Wellenlinien, was das „Z“ zu einem „B“ macht. Frühere Versuche der Kontaktaufnahme mit den Jarada werden aufgrund von Aussprachefehlern bei der Begrüßung für Jahre zurückgeworfen. (TNG: )
- The Jarada were a reclusive, insect-like species from the Jaradan sector. The Jarada were known for their idiosyncratic attitude toward protocol and especially for their peculiar language. The slightest mispronunciation of their language by an outsider was regarded as an insult. In 2364, the USS Enterprise-D conducted a diplomatic mission to the Jarada, where Jean-Luc Picard was to make a brief but necessary contact with them, in an attempt to mend their rift. In order to have a successful contact with the Jaradans, they demanded a precise greeting by the Federation's emissary.
- The Jarada were a reclusive, insect-like species native to the planet Torona IV. (TNG episode: "The Big Goodbye") Physically, they had a triangular face with a broad forehead, large compound eyes, a narrow pointed snout with a hooked jaw and sharp teeth, and long feathery antennae. They had barrel-like segmented torsos with four arms on the upper end. The lower pair was larger and the upper pair were almost vestigial, and they had three clawed hands. They also had two pairs of legs, the lower pair being thicker and used for movement, and the top pair being thinner and used to balance the body. (TNG novel: Imbalance)
| - The Jarada were a reclusive, insect-like species native to the planet Torona IV. (TNG episode: "The Big Goodbye") Physically, they had a triangular face with a broad forehead, large compound eyes, a narrow pointed snout with a hooked jaw and sharp teeth, and long feathery antennae. They had barrel-like segmented torsos with four arms on the upper end. The lower pair was larger and the upper pair were almost vestigial, and they had three clawed hands. They also had two pairs of legs, the lower pair being thicker and used for movement, and the top pair being thinner and used to balance the body. (TNG novel: Imbalance) Their exoskeletons ranged in different colors, from black to russet to copper, and they also varied in size as well. They had at least 3 known sexes: male, female, and neuter. When translating their language, their voices are multi-tonal, like many voices speaking at once, and their language consisted of hums, clicks, and buzzes. They had somewhat of a hive-mind, or a "group mind" that keeps track of each other to work in harmony. Each individual emits a sweet smelling "marker scent" determined by one's genetics and role in their society. Also when their names are broken down, it tells their place in society. There were a number of Jaradan hives. One of the more well known hives was the hive Zel, which had colonized the planet Beltaxiyan Minor. These hives also contain a queen. It was on this colony that a madness disease affected their group mind, making a large number of them violently psychotic. This problem was solved by the crew of the Enterprise. (TNG novel: Imbalance) The Jarada were reportedly xenophobic to the point of being "fussy" according to Commander Elias Vaughn. The Starfleet Captain who made first contact with the Jarada mispronounced a single word during his overtures, setting the process back twenty years. The Jarada typically refused to allow aliens on their planet, having even shot down a vessel attempting to make an emergency landing. However, in 2376, Commander Vaughn was able to trade intelligence information on the Iconian gateway network in exchange for the Jarada allowing 500,000 Europani refugees to cross a doorway onto their planet. (DS9 - Gateways novel: Demons of Air and Darkness) After Jarada warships inexplicably attacked the USS Defiant, all diplomatic relations between the Federation and the Jarada broke down, although neither the Federation Council or Starfleet Command were concerned. (DS9 - Mission Gamma novel: Twilight)
- Raza insectoide, de hábitos solitarios, que poseen unos estrictos rituales de protocolo, por los que cuando alguien arriba al planeta tiene que realizar el rito de bienvenida en el idioma nativo de estos seres, a riesgo que una mala pronunciación derive en la destrucción completa de dicha persona y su nave, como bien lo pudo comprobar la Federación Unida de Planetas en el 2343.
- The Jarada were a reclusive, insect-like species from the Jaradan sector. The Jarada were known for their idiosyncratic attitude toward protocol and especially for their peculiar language. The slightest mispronunciation of their language by an outsider was regarded as an insult. 2344 marked a bad encounter with the Federation, who regarded them as strategically important. A slip in the pronunciation of the greeting by their representative, a starship captain, caused a twenty-year rift between the two governments. Reports from the contact existed only in the form of record tapes, which graphically demonstrated what happened when that ship's captain offended the Jaradan. In 2364, the USS Enterprise-D conducted a diplomatic mission to the Jarada, where Jean-Luc Picard was to make a brief but necessary contact with them, in an attempt to mend their rift. In order to have a successful contact with the Jaradans, they demanded a precise greeting by the Federation's emissary. Upon approach of the Jaradan sector, one of their long-range probes disrupted the holodeck systems on the ship. Following their probe, they sent a subspace message to the Enterprise, requesting to speak with Picard, who was, unfortunately trapped in the now malfunctioning holodeck. His first officer Commander Riker attempted to explain the delay to the Jarada, but they refused to speak to a mere subordinate. Fortunately, by the time the Enterprise achieved orbit of the Jaradan homeworld, Picard was able to overcome the delay and successfully make the delivery. In doing so, he honored the Jaradans with his words of greeting, and allowed a new day to dawn between the two governments. (TNG: "The Big Goodbye" ) By 2365 the Pakleds had made contact with the Jarada. The Pakled transport, Mondor, appeared to possess Jaradan technology. (TNG: "Samaritan Snare" )
- Die Jarada sind eine insektenartige Spezies. Sie sind für ihre exzentrische Einstellung gegenüber allen Protokollen bekannt. Ein kleines Beispiel für die Aussprache ist folgendes: Die Schriftsprache der Jarada kennt einen Doppelbalken, der wie ein langes „S“ ausgesprochen wird, ein umgedrehtes „T“ ist ein Z-Laut, außer ihm folgen drei Wellenlinien, was das „Z“ zu einem „B“ macht. Frühere Versuche der Kontaktaufnahme mit den Jarada werden aufgrund von Aussprachefehlern bei der Begrüßung für Jahre zurückgeworfen. (TNG: ) Die Jarada gelten als ähnlich „starke“ Kultur wie die Romulaner oder Klingonen. (TNG: ) 2364 muss Captain Jean-Luc Picard die Abordnung in ihrer Sprache begrüßen, die für menschliche Zungen sehr schwierig ist. Nur geringe Abweichungen vom Laut kann den Sinn komplett verändern und die Jarada beleidigen. Picard schafft es aber, die Jarada in ihrer Sprache zu begrüßen und schafft die Grundlage für neue Kontaktaufnahmen. (TNG: )