| - Without the benefit (or detriment) of a family, Bethany grew up on the streets of Coronet City, Corellia. Her closest friends, and indeed, the only ones she considered "family" were the other kids that had banned together to form a small gang. Over the years, the small band grew, from just herself and Roan, a street boy a year her senior, to include a variety of kids of varying species, all who viewed the pack as their family. Bethany was closest to Roan by far. Perhaps due to their age, perhaps due to the fact that they were nearly the surrogate parents of this group of beggars and thieves, it was hard to tell. She learned to pick pockets, pick locks, some of the most basic mechanics and most importantly to her at the time, how to slice into a variety of electronic locks and computer acce
| - Without the benefit (or detriment) of a family, Bethany grew up on the streets of Coronet City, Corellia. Her closest friends, and indeed, the only ones she considered "family" were the other kids that had banned together to form a small gang. Over the years, the small band grew, from just herself and Roan, a street boy a year her senior, to include a variety of kids of varying species, all who viewed the pack as their family. Bethany was closest to Roan by far. Perhaps due to their age, perhaps due to the fact that they were nearly the surrogate parents of this group of beggars and thieves, it was hard to tell. She learned to pick pockets, pick locks, some of the most basic mechanics and most importantly to her at the time, how to slice into a variety of electronic locks and computer access panels. Though the life of a thief suited the slip of a girl well, she always knew that she wanted more. Someday perhaps she'd be a real mechanic, or, if she could ever get her hands on a ship, a starship pilot.... someday. She took the last name "Kismet" when she was eleven, having no surname of her own. She'd picked the pocket of a wealthy Corellian, Hunter Kismet. Roan decided that "Hunter" would be an appropriate name to add to his own, while Bethany decided that she liked the sound of the word "Kismet." No one has ever questioned her as to her rights to that name. About this time she had her first run in with Rikkard, a man she would come in contact with many years from now and under unexpected circumstances. She, Roan, and the rest of the gang had come across a broken down landspeeder, likely left by its owner until the machine could be towed... it was towed... by a band of children, off to a hiding place in the depths of the city. Looking over the mechanics, Bethany was certain she would be able to fix the machine and sell it. None of the grifter kids had a use for the vehicle itself, but the credits it would bring it would feed their little band for a month. The one thing she was missing were the tools to do it with. Without hesitation and with Roan's help, she snuck into a local mechanic's shop, lifting the tools she needed for the job. Oddly enough, it was the act of returning the tools that led to her being caught by the shop owner, a grizzled old mechanic named Rikkard. Though initially planning to cart her off to CorSec officials, his attitude changed when he found out that she was returning the tools. Though she could have gotten away with the tools themselves, or even sold them, she had come back, intending to put them back where she had found them when she was finished. Rikkard let her go, and even offered her a part time job doing odd things around the shop. The job eventually moved into a near apprenticeship, with Rikkard allowing her to help on jobs as they came up, giving her a chance to get truly familiar with the inner workings of the machines that were brought in. When she was thirteen, events were put into motion that would shape the rest of her life. While attempting to pick the pocket of an elderly, white haired man, Bethany was shocked when his hand reached out, plucking her wrist out of the air before she was even able to touch him. With a vice like, but surprisingly gentle, grip, the older man turned to face her, kind blue eyes looking down at the street rat. "You can be so much more than what you have become," he said quietly. He released her hand the moment she tried to pull away. Within moments she was lost in the crowd.