| - Mega Man Unlimited es un fan-game creado por MegaPhilX. Según el creador del videojuego estaba planeado para salir como una secuela no oficial de Mega Man 9, pero tras el anuncio oficial de Mega Man 10 ,se decidió cambiar el nombre al actual. Comenzó como un simple proyecto en Flash de lo cual pasado un tiempo derivó en un proyecto real, programado por C++. Similar a otros fan-games y a Mega Man 9 hace uso de una estética retro, imitando los 8-bits de la NES y el estilo artístico de los bocetos de aquel entonces. Su fecha de salida fue el 14 de Julio de 2013.
- Mega Man Unlimited also known as (ロックマンアンリミテッド Rokkuman' anrimiteddo?) is an unofficial fan-made game created by MegaPhilX. It was released on July 14, 2013. According to the game's creator, it was originally meant to be a "hypothetical" sequel to Mega Man 9, created before the officialMega Man 10. It started out as a simple Flash project, and eventually it was transferred into more complex software, programmed in C++. As with Mega Man 9, and Mega Man 10, it too uses an 8-bit art style that's meant to imitate the style of the NES games. Like the aforementioned games, it has multiple playable characters. Intially, the only playable character was Mega Man. He can use the slide, due to the game being partially based on Mega Man 3. A further update also reintroduced the Charge Shot as an optio
- Mega Man Unlimited also known as (ロックマンアンリミテッド Rokkuman' anrimiteddo?) is an unofficial fan-made game, made for the PC, created by MegaPhilX. It was released on July 14, 2013. According to the game's creator, it was originally meant to be a "hypothetical" sequel to Mega Man 9, created before the official Mega Man 10. It started out as a simple Flash project, and eventually it was transferred into more complex software, programmed in C++. As with Mega Man 9, and Mega Man 10, it too uses an 8-bit art style that's meant to imitate the style of the NES games. Like the aforementioned games, it has multiple playable characters. Intially, the only playable character was Mega Man. He can use the slide, due to the game being partially based on Mega Man 3. A further update also reintroduced the Char
| - Mega Man Unlimited es un fan-game creado por MegaPhilX. Según el creador del videojuego estaba planeado para salir como una secuela no oficial de Mega Man 9, pero tras el anuncio oficial de Mega Man 10 ,se decidió cambiar el nombre al actual. Comenzó como un simple proyecto en Flash de lo cual pasado un tiempo derivó en un proyecto real, programado por C++. Similar a otros fan-games y a Mega Man 9 hace uso de una estética retro, imitando los 8-bits de la NES y el estilo artístico de los bocetos de aquel entonces. Aquí sólo Mega Man es jugable sin hacer uso del Mega Buster, pero se buscó crear un verdadero reto, con niveles más largos que lo habitual en donde se obliga al jugador a usar toda variedad de Items y armas a su disposición. Su fecha de salida fue el 14 de Julio de 2013. Mas adelante el juego se iría actualizando con el pasar del tiempo e incluirian nuevos modos de juego y escenarios extras similares a los modos de juego de Mega Man 9 y Mega Man 10. Su versión final (supuestamente) se publico en junio del año 2014 con nuevos modos de juego, un jefe extra, e inclusive, un nuevo Mega Buster a Mega Man (el cual es opcional y se puede configurar desde el menu del juego). Uno de los mas novedosos es el "Endless Boss Attack" (Ataque Interminable de Jefes) similar al "Endless Attack" (Ataque Interminable) pero contra todos los jefes del juego (inclusive el jefe extra) e iniciando con todas sus armas (pero no dispondrás del Water Cannon a menos que derrotes a Whirpool Man en su escenario). Actualmente el juego sigue publicado en internet, y lo puedes descargar gratuitamente desde su Página Oficial.
- Mega Man Unlimited also known as (ロックマンアンリミテッド Rokkuman' anrimiteddo?) is an unofficial fan-made game, made for the PC, created by MegaPhilX. It was released on July 14, 2013. According to the game's creator, it was originally meant to be a "hypothetical" sequel to Mega Man 9, created before the official Mega Man 10. It started out as a simple Flash project, and eventually it was transferred into more complex software, programmed in C++. As with Mega Man 9, and Mega Man 10, it too uses an 8-bit art style that's meant to imitate the style of the NES games. Like the aforementioned games, it has multiple playable characters. Intially, the only playable character was Mega Man. He can use the slide, due to the game being partially based on Mega Man 3. A further update also reintroduced the Charge Shot as an optional ability. With release of Version 1.3.0, a second playable character, Z-Prototype, was added, who can be unlocked for use the main story mode and learns new techniques from defeating bosses, but due to being an unrefined prototype, he exhausts life energy upon performing his attacks. After its release, an update added an easy mode similar to the one present in Mega Man 10 due to complaints about the game's difficulty. Despite this, the game has received mostly favourable reviews. The game's storyline attempts to start bridging the gap between the classic Mega Man series and Mega Man X series timelines, inching away from the former and into the latter by dealing with robots turning evil due to exposure to a virus similar to the Maverick Virus, and revealing the fruition of Doctor Wily's mysterious blueprints shown in Bass's ending of Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters. It also sees Bass, and by extension, Treble, completely defecting against Wily and go rogue. In the past, Bass had opposed him on several occasions, but hadn't outright severed his allegiance to him. On top of having the standard eight Robot Masters which must be fought to move on to the final stages of the game, players can discover four hidden letters scattered throughout hidden areas in four different stages, which collectively spell out "YOKU". Obtaining them all will cause the middle icon of the stage select screen to alternate between either Mega Man's face or the Wily Fortress stage select if all eight ordinary Robot Master stages have been cleared, and that of a new and mysterious ninth Robot Master, Yoku Man. His icon will appear to the sound that Appearing Blocks make (refering to Yoku Man's powers), and if his icon is chosen while visible, it will take the player to a secret and substantially harder bonus stage where he can be found and battled to obtain his Special Weapon. Yoku Man is later fought regardless of being unlocked or not in the endgame. On August 1, 2014, an update was released, which includes a new stage with a tenth Robot Master called Whirlpool Man, where said Robot Master can be found and defeated to obtain a new Special Weapon, along with two new modes: Endless Attack and Endless Boss Attack. On May 23, 2015, another update was released featuring the unlockable character of the Z-Prototype playable after beating the game in any modes.
- Mega Man Unlimited also known as (ロックマンアンリミテッド Rokkuman' anrimiteddo?) is an unofficial fan-made game created by MegaPhilX. It was released on July 14, 2013. According to the game's creator, it was originally meant to be a "hypothetical" sequel to Mega Man 9, created before the officialMega Man 10. It started out as a simple Flash project, and eventually it was transferred into more complex software, programmed in C++. As with Mega Man 9, and Mega Man 10, it too uses an 8-bit art style that's meant to imitate the style of the NES games. Like the aforementioned games, it has multiple playable characters. Intially, the only playable character was Mega Man. He can use the slide, due to the game being partially based on Mega Man 3. A further update also reintroduced the Charge Shot as an optional ability. With release of Version 1.3.0, a second playable character, Z-Prototype, was added, who can be unlocked for use the main story mode and learns new techniques from defeating bosses, but due to being an unrefined prototype, he exhausts life energy upon performing his attacks. After its release, an update added an easy mode similar to the one present in Mega Man 10 due to complaints about the game's difficulty. Despite this, the game has received mostly favorable reviews. The game's storyline attempts to start bridging the gap between the classic Mega Man series and Mega Man X series timelines, inching away from the former and into the latter by dealing with robots turning evil due to exposure to a virus similar to the Maverick Virus, and revealing the byproduct of Doctor Wily's mysterious blueprints shown in Bass's ending of Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters. It also sees Bass, and by extension, Treble, completely defecting against Wily and go rouge. In the past, Bass had opposed him on several occasions, but hadn't outright severed his allegiance to him. On top of having the standard eight Robot Masters which must be fought to move on to the final stages of the game, players can discover four hidden letters scattered throughout hidden areas in four different stages, which collectively spell out "YOKU". Obtaining them all will cause the middle icon of the stage select screen to alternate between either Mega Man's face or the Wily Fortress stage select if all eight ordinary Robot Master stages have been cleared, and that of a new and mysterious ninth Robot Master, Yoku Man. His icon will appear to the sound that Appearing Blocks make (refering to Yoku Man's powers), and if his icon is chosen while visible, it will take the player to a secret and substantially harder bonus stage where he can be found and battled to obtain his Special Weapon. Yoku Man is later fought regardless of being unlocked or not in the endgame. On August 1, 2014, an update was released, which includes a new stage with a tenth Robot Master called Whirlpool Man, where said Robot Master can be found and defeated to obtain a new Special Weapon, along with two new modes: Endless Attack and Endless Boss Attack. On May 23, 2015, another update was released featuring the unlockable character of the Z-Prototype playable after beating the game in any modes.