| - Remes Dam War was a conflict between Cardoby and Ardenjost. At the time both countries were kingdoms under authoritarian rule. In early 20th century, Cardoby was a developing country, with its economic base in agriculture. In 1924 the Cardobian army took effectually all the political power away from the king. The military government started a massive industrialization program. The program included a hydroelectric dam in Bedeg River. The dam, when constructed, would have flooded a substantial amount of Ardenjostan territory. Shortly after, in November 1931, Ardenjost started a pre-emptive war. King Kayjek II, known to be a megalomaniac, had not even considered negotiating. The Cardobian war machine was however victorious, and invaded a large area all the way to the outskirts of Gertcel. The Ardenjostan king and his Army did not know that in spite of the massive construction projects the Cardobian government had resources for a massive military build-up.